Title: Attaining the Impossible
avissPairing: Kakashi/Iruka
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: secret admirers - someone sent him flowers, and Iruka had no idea who. Suddenly, everyone in Konoha was a possible suspect.
Word Count: ~2.000
A/N: very late fic for the 14th, sorry.
It all started on a rainy October morning. )
Comments 16
I always enjoy these kinds of stories, the whole secret admirer thing always makes me smile. Flower language, even though it's done a many times, is something I always enjoy as well.
I liked how Iruka found out though, with Kakashi saying the meaning of the flowers without actually looking at the book. =P
Hehe, little pre-genin Iruka announcing that he was going to marry Kakashi! How sweet~ I bet he got teased when he was older but hey, they are finally together now.
I wonder what Kakashi thought when he first heard the declaration xD.
Nice work! I had a lot of fun reading it =) And yay to small appearance of Ino. I like her character =P
AWWWW. I would have LOVED to see that, and this whole fic was absolutely awesome.
adorable! xP
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