Xander Banners

May 28, 2010 22:10

I want to take a moment to thank cordelianne and reremouse very much for all of their hard work in putting this fest together.

Here's some extra banners that I put together for this comm. I pretty much ship Xander with almost anyone. Xaith, Spander and Xangel are the ones that are currently my favs. :) I hope that you like my little contribution.

xander banners )

pairing: angel/xander, pairing: faith/xander, pairing: spike/xander, creator: selene2, media: graphics, rating: all audiences

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Comments 11

hari_kari May 30 2010, 03:48:30 UTC
These are all so pretty. Nicely done!


selene2 May 30 2010, 17:11:21 UTC
Thank you very much! :)


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