Graphics: 16 Movie Posters for 14 fics

Apr 03, 2009 10:53

Hi Xander!lovers!  About a week or so ago I offered to make movie posters for fics (either completed, WIP, or forthcoming).  Inside you'll find the results!  I hope you like looking (and perhaps reading the fic attached to them) as much as I enjoyed making them.  And if you do like the fic, don't forget to feedback your author as well.  :D

complete fics now available at livejournals near you! )

pairing: none, pairing: spike/xander, pairing: giles/xander, media: graphics, creator: katekat1010, rating: all audiences, pairing: riley/xander

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Comments 61

reremouse April 3 2009, 16:13:36 UTC
These are awesome as always, kate! And like a good movie poster, they make me want to run out and read what's advertised. With popcorn.


katekat1010 April 3 2009, 16:50:12 UTC
yay!!! then my job here is so done!

(and is it wrong that i'm finding myself more addicted to this format than the other fan-approved ones like headers and icons? there's something about the whole coming-soon-nature of the form that makes me happy)


darkhavens April 4 2009, 01:39:33 UTC
I like this format too. You do amazing work! *bookmarks liek woah* :D


katekat1010 April 4 2009, 04:08:32 UTC
awww! thanks darlin! :D


nothorse April 3 2009, 16:28:42 UTC
I really like the image and the design you picked out. Thank you very much.

I can swing the hosting, so I'll download and edit the entries to include the poster.

One thing: Could you try and replace the quote with the summary: "Xander had a demony accident. And now she must cope."

I know I gave you the line with the eyebrows, but it doesn't really work in a poster context.


katekat1010 April 3 2009, 16:54:14 UTC
YAY! I'm so glad you like - I found the picture of the woman in boots and couldn't help myself, and then the it pretty much flew together.

and of course! i think it works with both taglines, but i certainly don't mind:

... )


nothorse April 3 2009, 18:25:36 UTC
Thanks! It's great.


spiceblueeyes April 3 2009, 16:53:04 UTC
These are totally awesome!!!
*runs off to read*


katekat1010 April 3 2009, 16:55:07 UTC
heee!! thank you!! and happy reading!


brunettepet April 3 2009, 16:58:37 UTC
These are absolutely phenomenal. You make me want to read each story I haven't read, and re-read the ones I have.



katekat1010 April 3 2009, 17:08:11 UTC
oh thank you so much!! and i think my work here is done if i accomplished all that, which, yay! :D


twilightofmagic April 3 2009, 17:00:53 UTC
These are terrific, Kate. Love them.


katekat1010 April 3 2009, 17:08:46 UTC
thank you darling! they were addictive fun to do :D


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