My Favorite Season Three Xander Moments (3.13)

May 15, 2008 10:11

*waves* Hi all!  I'm so excited to be back again for another day at spring_with_xanSome of you may remember that my last day I was doing picspam of my favorite Xander Season Three moments.... and I have my favorite Xander episode behind the cut for you today (and I'll be posting icons and some wallpapers in a bit if you're tired of the picspams ( Read more... )

pairing: faith/xander, media: graphics, creator: katekat1010, rating: all audiences

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Comments 15

fanbot May 15 2008, 15:18:57 UTC


katekat1010 May 15 2008, 17:40:12 UTC
*grin* heee!


thistlerose May 15 2008, 15:28:50 UTC
Squee! This is one of my all time favorite episodes.


katekat1010 May 15 2008, 17:40:29 UTC
Mine too!! I'm so glad you liked!!


xanzpet May 15 2008, 18:37:42 UTC
WOO! I just...yeah...

*tackles you*

*peeks* There was chestage in your spam! YAY!

ROFL, I love that shot with the ax. Xan looks like Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween H20, going to tear up some serial killer ass. He's so cute. *pets him*

I'm so glad you're doing more of these! *bounces*


katekat1010 May 16 2008, 04:03:22 UTC
*tackle!glomp* hello handsome one!! How could I NOT put the chest of Xander in there? And the stairway shot is SO one of my favorites - and you know that Joss was going for something like that, film geek that he is.

There will be more after the ones I post today on the spam day at the end of Spring w/Xan too (I didn't get as many made as I wanted)


xanzpet May 18 2008, 23:59:50 UTC
You are made of awesome and full of kick-ass win. More people should know this!

Chest of Xander! Stairway Xander!

And there's more coming! w00t! *wins*

*hugs the hell out of you and squees like a tween at a Hannah Montana concert (you know, before the naughty pics)*


missus_grace May 15 2008, 21:58:40 UTC
Love the picture of him in bed with Faith. For a second, they look almost affectionate. Till she boots him out, clothes in hand!

Fantastic work, once again!


katekat1010 May 16 2008, 04:05:11 UTC
LOL - exactly - totally blissful moment after! and then I love his "pushed out the door" expression.

Thank you sweet lady!! Thank you so much!


cordelianne May 16 2008, 05:09:12 UTC
heee! I love that you couldn't pick just 8 pictures. I would have had the exact same issue!!! And am having that now about picking which is my favourite image. Yay for lots of awesome pics of an awesome Xander episode! :D


katekat1010 May 17 2008, 02:02:41 UTC
OMG, the words spoiled for choice don't even cover it! Though, seriously, it's the best kind of hardship to have!! Thanks for the lovely feedback sweetie!


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