Mar 07, 2007 13:22

Ok guys with a sound board of 54 yes votes I am going to go ahead and get the ball rolling on this. So welcome to another year of spring_spangel Spangel peeps. Let's make it rock everyone I know we can. Now onto business.

Ok, so what is spring_spangel you might ask? It's a community where everyone picks a day to post something revolving around the pairing Spike/Angel, be it fic, graphics, icons, vids, art, whatever shows your love for that pairing. We want it, we thrive for it. Because if you are here than Spangel is something you love and crave.

So, leave a comment in this post and pick a day! It's as simple as that to take part. spring_spangel begins March 21st and it will go until June 20th. Taken and open days will be updated on the user info for this community so you have a constant and clear idea what days are open to you or what days are taken by some peeps you know and love. User info shows the table here!! So even if you aren't taking part check it often so you know who is. ;)

Pimping is encouraged and welcomed. As a matter of fact the more you pimp this community the better chance it has of having a big turn out. So pimp it all you want as often as you want I certainly won't mind. Spangel love everyone that's what this is all about.

You're Mod,
Pet ♥

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