My pups, the absolutely weetastic in five sentences version!
Cable (
His name is actually Nathan Christopher Charles Dayspring Askani'son Summers, but for obvious reasons I don't use it often. Formerly one of the world's strongest telepaths and telekinetics, fluctuated back to zero throughout his canon, and is now at something of a halfway point. 6'7'', scarred face, flashy left eye, most of his body is made of metal due to a weird-ass technobabble virus you can't explain in five sentences, although only the arm and left side have anything visible on the outside.
Or to just tack on a few words: he's the manipulative, intellectual, stoic, plotty, self-contained, violence-lovingly pacifist, politically pragmatist, Messiah complex-y mayor of Fandom Town. Not a nice guy when he's angry (or... anytime, really, but he hides it well unless he's pissed), used to rule a utopian island and a fictional Eastern European nation, and once stole a magical mutant baby.
Andrew 'Ender' Wiggin (
He's been in the military since he was six years old, and currently holds both the rank of Admiral (largely ceremonial) and a reputation as the greatest strategist that ever lived back in his home universe. When he was eleven, the military that had raised him tricked him into blowing up a planet and destroying an entire species. He has many issues because of this. Also stoic and self-contained, but emphatic, and an actual pacifist-sorta-except-not-quite. He likes to think too much and has never really been socialized just right, but he gets by on his own strengths and a few thoughts of his sister Valentine (but never his brother, Peter).
Ender works at Stark Industries and spends most of his time reading or working or fighting off any instincts towards brooding.
Jeff Murdock (
The king of all anxiety issues, whose skill in digging himself into a worse hole than he was already in is truly unparalleled in this world. Bad, weird stuff tends to be attracted to him like metal to a magnet. He's absolutely obsessed with sci-fi movies and sex, but having a girlfriend he can actually have sex with has brought this down to a slightly more managable level. He's friendly, but weird, and please don't get him started on his mother, it will only end in tears.
Jeff works at the Arms Hotel together with his giant Saint Bernard, Nana, and is always more than happy to share his social theories with anyone who comes by.
Ray Kowalski (
Originally born Stanley Ray Kowalski (his father had a thing for Brando), Ray chose to go by Ray as soon as he got out of the house. He's a former Chicago cop, a little rough around the edges (rougher as time has gone by) but with a few hidden depths left yet (he's a poet, guys). Likes to threaten to kick people in the head and sometimes has trouble catching up with his own words, but he'll deal. He's totally set on keeping himself the normalest guy in Fandom because he has a few issues with establishing his own identity without clinging to someone and/or something.
He was transferred to Fandom because the brass up in Chicago saw him breaking down after years of work and decided he needed a pasture to head out to, and he picked the one pasture his old best friend Benton Fraser was grazing in.
Sarah Kerrigan (
Formerly a human, telepathic/telekinetic tactics teacher at Fandom High. She was captured by her old enemy the Zerg and 'infested', becoming one of their own, and betraying everyone she'd cared for before. She took her former pupil River with her, got her infested, and when the Overmind of the Zerg finally died, fled like a fleeing thing to make sure the Zerg wouldn't get a hold of her again.
She was always kind of angry, but right now she's angry plus, smarter, faster, and stronger than she was before, and just plain scary. She's also an expatriate, so chances of seeing much of her while she's out on campaign are slim to none.
Dude. I think I actually managed every one of them in five sentences.
... Five runny, runny-on sentences.
The player (that would be me, Len) lives in the CET timezone (Central European Time) and is hence unavailable between about 6 PM EST and 12 midnight EST. Because I do need to sleep, yo. Otherwise, I tend to be out and about!
I am also not from Holland, no matter what anyone might tell you. Holland is a province (well, two provinces, North and South). One day, guys. One day.
Comments? Questions? Someone have a good piece of cheese?