2x16 Detroit Rock City

Feb 01, 2009 17:31

Sam and Dean arrive at a crime scene in Detroit after a gang-banger is torn limb-from-limb and left scattered in the street, the latest in a series of these deaths that all appear to be done by hand. Several neighborhood people are gathered around and they all think the gang-banger got what he deserved. The boys are passing themselves off as FBI agents but a detective pulls them aside and says that he doesn’t need their help - he’s already called in his own experts. Just then, Frannie and Charlie Mulvaney show up. After they make fun of the Winchesters’ suits, then join the detective, Isaac Robertson, in private conversation.

Sam and Dean are desolately leaving the scene when Frannie and Charlie approach and ask them if they’re up for some ghoul hunting. Who isn’t, so they tag along with the Mulvaneys for the day. They head to a local Qwiki-Mart, when the ancient Russian storeowner, Ivan, greets the Mulvaneys with delight. He loads them up with pop and junk food, telling the Winchesters how the Mulvaneys saved his life. He also tells them how he got shot again by DeShawn, an adolescent boy who he now employs as his bag boy. The Mulvaneys invite a skeptical DeShawn along to see some ghouls.

The hunters (and DeShawn) stake out a local graveyard, and finally hit paydirt when a couple of corpses start wandering around. Sam and Frannie torch one but Dean and Charlie lose theirs on foot. They catch it a few blocks away, about the rip the head off a drug dealer. They save the dealer (who runs for his life) and torch the ghoul. A hooker on the corner looks bored. When they get back to the cars, DeShawn informs them that he saw a woman hiding in an abandoned building watching the ghoul action.

The next day, Frannie and Sam visit the head of the neighborhood watch group, Amelia. She says the people who’ve been killed aren’t going to be missed, but she’s worried that someone’s kid is going to be next. That night on stakeout, someone calls the cops on the hunters. Fortunately, Isaac responds to the call. He’s mad that they haven’t cleaned up the mess yet. While he’s arguing with the Mulvaneys, a ghoul wanders down the street. It ignores Isaac and the hunters and goes into an empty building. Drug addicts run out screaming. A hooker on the corner looks bored. Dean yells to her, and she takes off as he approaches.

In the morning, all four hunters go to see Amelia. She says the hooker is a local woman, Mia, with two small children at home. Her older son was killed in gang crossfire earlier that year. The hunters drop in at Mia’s empty house and find she’s been playing around with dark magic.

That night, the hunters stake out empty buildings and wait for Mia to appear. She summons the ghouls before they can stop her but when Sam breaks her talisman they turn on her. Frannie torches one just as it’s about to kill Mia. Sobbing, Mia says that she was just trying to save her neighborhood and swears that she won’t practice any more black magic.

In the morning, a contrite Mia enters Amelia’s house. She is warmly welcomed in. Isaac comes to see the hunters off. He bids the Winchesters well and then tells the Mulvaneys to get out of town before he runs them out. He runs them out, lights flashing, anyway.


Dean (to Isaac, about Frannie and Charlie): These are your experts? We didn't realize you needed someone skilled in destruction and drunkenness.

Charlie (to Sam and Dean): Hey, you two up for some ghoul-hunting?
Dean: Who isn't?

Frannie: How are you Ivan?
Ivan: I got shot again. Is sixth time! This time by 12-year-old. Can you believe this? What kind of world is this?
Charlie: What happened to him?
Ivan: Oh, I have him call 9-1-1 and he ride to hospital with me. Then I say, you get in trouble because you have too much time on your hands and now he stock shelves after school. (yelling) DeShawn! Come meet very important guests, save me from the Evil Eye and all my liquor going bad!

Frannie: Sam, you come with me. You two (to Charlie and Dean) stay here and practice your running. Maybe next time you can actually outrun the dead guy.

Charlie (to Sam and Dean): Nice suits, there, Lennie and Squiggy. You look totally ready for your big dates.

Sam (checking out the Mulvaney's weapons and equipment): Where do you get your supplies? You've got some serious evil-fighting Church items in here.
Charlie: Our brother Chandler is a priest.

SuperPretendWiki entry

2x21 All Hell Breaks Loose, Part One

frannie mulvaney, season 2, charlie mulvaney

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