Forever 21 #1 [CLOSED!]

Jul 11, 2008 22:52

Forever 21 #1 [CLOSED!]
Closing on 13 Jul at 10pm!!!

Spreegalorefb [+0/-0]:

Closing on 13 July (might extend depending on response)

Email Address:
Bank Account: POSB Savings 039-61322-0 (pls use your LJ nick)

Exchange rate:
USD$1 = SGD$1.41

Terms & Conditions
  • Post your order and payment details in one comment.
  • Please reply to thread to keep things neat.
  • No payment = No order.
  • I reserve the rights to reject any order from any spree-ers that I’m not comfortable with.
  • I reserve the rights to cancel/extend the spree if response is bad.
  • I’m not responsible if merchant shipped out the wrong order/colour/size. But I will do my part to double check all orders before ordering.
  • No 2nd payment for shipping hence the higher amount. Excess will be refunded.
  • I’m not responsible for lost mail through normal post.
  • 50cents to be collected for handling.
  • Be prepared to wait up to 4 weeks.
  • Check that your item is not OOS by adding them to cart.
  • All updates will be done here.
  • Do not join if you are not comfortable with any of the terms & conditions mentioned above. Thank you

  • Shipping/Payment:
    1st payment:
    (Item + no of items x $3 shipping) x 1.41 =

    2nd payment:
    Top-up of shipping + Handling $0.50 + postage =

    Excess from 1st payment will be use to
    offset postage & remaining refunded

    Mode of payment: I-Banking or ATM transfer

    Mode of Distribution: Meet-up only at Bukit Batok MRT/ normal or (recommended) registered mail

    Format of Ordering:
    LJ nick/ name:
    Account details: (for refunding purposes)
    Email add:
    Payment method:
    Collection method:

    Item 1
    Item name:
    Item URL:
    Alternative colour/ sze: (pls indicate DNB if you don't want it replaced with another item of same value)
    Price in USD:
    (Repeat for subsequent items)

    Total no of items:
    Total amount in USD:
    Total in SGD: [Total in USD + no of items x $4) x 1.41] + handling $0.50 = SGD$ (round up to the nearest cent)
    =Please follow this calculation=
    Email me & i'll explain why

    Amount paid:
    Transaction ref:
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