Taobao spree #16 open
using SEA shipment
spreesgalore fb: +455/1/-2 Terms and conditions
- only paid orders will be taken in
- frozen comments = payment received
- please post orders and payment details in one post to keep the thread neat
- Please delete and re-post your orders should there be any amendments
- I reserve the right to cancel the spree if response is poor
- I will not be held responsible if the merchant sends the wrong/damaged item over. But I will be careful when ordering so as to not make any errors
- Updates would be done via email and this page, do bookmark this page
Website im ordering from:
Contact me at :
justineneux@hotmail.comemail updates wld be done by my gmail acc:
Mode of collection:
- Normal / registered post (registered post advised to avoid lost of items by normal mail)
- Self collect at my place @ Hougang, near holy innocents high sch
Payment:POSB SAVINGS 209-04545-1
POSB/DBS internet banking, please use your LJ nick
Accepting ATM transfers (POST AND PAY WITHIN AN HOUR)
Exchange rate: SGD1 : RMB 4.45
There will be an agent fee of 8% on item cost + domestic shipping + international shipping
Domestic shipping: Select Guangzhou 广州 and look at 快递
First Payment :[ ( Item Cost RMB + China Domestic Shipping RMB) X 1.08 ] / exchange rate ] + (*intial international shipping: $2 x no. of items)
*excess or shortfall for shipping will be advised when items arrived
Second Payment : (topup\ refund for shipping) + Postage + $0.70 Handling fee
Please copy & fill in accordingly.
IMPORTANT : Payment must be made within 1hour after posting your order.
Name/lj nick:
Bank a/c details:
Item #1
Seller shop name:
Item Name:
Item URL:
Item Colour:
Item Size:
Item Qty:
Alternative: colour/ size only
TOTAL IN RMB: Item price + domestic shipping
1st payment TOTAL in SGD: [ (TOTAL IN RMB ) / 4.45 ] x 1.08 + ($2 x no. of items)
Amount transferred:
Transaction reference:
Date / Time: