Still new [0/0] Website
http://www.oldnavy.com Spree Details
- Maximum Cap: USD 220USD
Ladies, please count before you post.
Mode of Shipping
Old Navy > VPost > Me > You
No inter-bank /ATM transfer
DBS Savings PLUS 100-0-018029
UOB TX Account 216-373-791-6
Use LJ NICK when transferring
Distribution mode
Normal/Registered Mails (+S$2.24, on availability)
No meetups, sorry!
0.5 - Accessories, Underwear
1 - Lightweight Tops, Heavier Accessories, Lingerie, Swimwear
1.5 - Heavy Tops (Polo Ts), Shorts, Lightweight Bottoms
2 - Dresses, Pants,
2.5 - Flip-flops, Sandals, Outerwear
3 - Bags, Shoes
Terms and Condition
- I may seem fierce but that’s only because I’m tired & tired of participants not reading my T&C. So, please read.
- I will not be liable for wrong items shipped; damaged; mailed but will ensure and double check before ordering and sending.
- Updates will be done via mass email (I will update when there’s new information, please do not worry).
- I reserve the right to cancel spree is response is poor.
- Will be searching for discount codes, no worries.
- Orders are based first come first basis, accordingly to transfer time.
- No payment = No order, so no reservation of slots.
- DO NOT delete your posts without my prior knowledge.
Please be responsible, drop me an e-mail.
- No backorders, put in cart to check before posting.
Exchange Rate
USD$1 = SGD$1.44
shoppezema@gmail.com (Email me if any questions)
Format of Order
Name/ LJ Nick:
Email: (please insert or no updates)
Acct Type and No.:
Item #1
Item name:
Price (USD):
Alternative (include size):
Item #2
Item name:
Price (USD):
Alternative (include size):
Total (in USD):
Grand Total (in SGD): [Total (USD) * 1.44] + (no. of items x 3) + 50cents= [Total] SGD
Post Payments Details together with Format
Replies frozen means payments received
Anyone interested in this? Please email me. (Size 7)
ON sent wrong item, willing to sell at discounted price.