123.com Spree #1 - CLOSED

Nov 12, 2007 15:34

spreesgalore feedback  +3/-0

1st time ordering from this seller.
(Credit to raiisiiin for the help)


Spree Website 

Eg. of non-bid site
123.com (all items at NT49)
123.com (all items at NT99)

Capping at
10 Bid items (Item name that states一元起標 = bidding items)
20 Non-Bid items

Not accepting bags
Those who exceed cap will only be refund at the end of the spree.

Email address

Payment mode
Only POSB/DBS Internet Banking.
Please make all payment to POSB Savings 126-79459-2 using your LJ nick as IB nick.
Strictly No ATM or Inter-bank transfer.

Distribution of items
Normal / Registered mail (additional $2.24)
Strictly No Meetups

Exchange rate 
SGD1 : TWD21.21

Shipping details
Direct shipping to Singapore

Payment details

Payment by concealed cash through Speedpost to be split among participant.

Shipping unit to be revised when item arrived.

Collecting $3 per item for initial shipping/speedpost, any excess will be used to offset postage and handling fees

1st Payment : (Total NT / 21.21) + (no. of items x S$3) = Total price (SGD)
2nd Payment : Top-ups/Refunds + Local postage + $0.50 handling fee

Terms & Conditions

- Please be prepared to wait for 1-2 mths.
- Only paid orders will be taken in. No booking of slots.
- Frozen comments = payment received.
- Spree will be cancelled if the response is not satisfactory.
- I will not be held responsible for mistakes made by the seller but I will try my best to ensure that the correct orders are placed.
- I will not be held responsible for wrong, missing or defective items/cash.
- I will not be responsible for lost mail through normal mail. Registered mail is strongly encouraged.
- I will not be responsible for damage made during mailing process but will ensure that items are securely wrapped before they leave my possession.
- Orders will only be placed if the item name, URL and picture link provided are matched.
- Orders will be rejected if any of the fields are incorrect, so please check through carefully before posting.
- Not taking alternative order.
- Please delete and re-post your orders should there be any amendments.
- No cancellations or amendments once order is confirmed.
- All updates to be done at my LJ (will try to update at least once/2weeks)

Note: I will be away on 15th - 22nd Dec. Any update will only resume when I’m back. Please only join if you are comfortable.


(1)   For bidding item that starts at $1: please pay NT100 first
(Extra will be used to offset shipping/refunded)

(2)   For bidding item with current bid (目前出價) more than NT100: please pay NT100 above the current bid
(Eg. Current bid of NT150 + NT100 = NT250)
(Extra will be used to offset shipping/refunded)

(3)   For all bidding items : please state max amount u are willing to bid
(State ‘Until Close’ if you are willing to bid all the way till the bidding closed)

一元起標 = bidding items
目前出價 = the current bid price (Price will only finalized when bidding closed)
剩餘時間 = time left for bidding
結束時間 = closing date & time for bidding

(4) Only accepting item that ends at or after 15th Nov.

Please pay before posting

Format of order
Real name/ LJ nick:
Email address:

Bank type/account number: (please omit dashes)

Item #1
Item Name:

Pic URL: (eg. upload at photobucket.com)
Price in TWD: (Look at point (1) or (2))
Max bid: (For bidding items only. Look at point (3))
Bid End: (Look at point (4))

Item #2
Item Name:

Pic URL: (eg. upload at photobucket.com)
Price in TWD: (Look at point (1) or (2))
Max bid: (For bidding items only. Look at point (3))
Bid End:  (Look at point (4))

Your Total no. of items:
Total TWD:
Total SGD: (Total NT / 21.21) + (no. of items x S$3) = Total price round up to nearest cents

From a/c:

To a/c:
Transaction reference:

Grand Total no. of Bid item:
Grand Total no. of Non-Bid item:

(Grand Total means: add your number of items to the one in the post before you so that others will know how many more available slots are left)

Please remember to enter DATE WHEN BID END for ALL ITEMS. I do not wish to miss out anyone's bid.

To re-post, pls delete your comment and make a NEW comment. This is to keep the thread neat.

I know these are tedious but kindly cooperate to make this spree easier. =)

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