Spreeing for non hotfix flatbacks!
fbspreehouse (3+/0-) Updates:
Crystal SS7 (11 packets more to reach cap)
Crystal SS9 (Minimum order reached)
Crystal SS12 (Minimum order reached)
Crystal SS16 (10 packets more to reach cap)
Aquamarine SS7 (13 packets more to reach cap)
Aquamarine SS9 (17 packets more to reach cap)
Aquamarine SS12 (16 packets more to reach cap)
Lt Sapphire SS7 (16 packets more to reach cap)
Lt Sapphire SS9 (15 packets more to reach cap)
Blue Zircon SS9 (17 packets to reach cap)
Blue Zircon SS12 (16 Packets to reach cap)
Blue Zircon SS16 (17 packets to reach cap)
Lt Siam SS12 (9 packets more to reach cap)
Lt Siam SS16 (15 packets more to reach cap)
Fuchsia SS7 (16 packets more to reach cap)
Fuchsia SS9 (14 packets more to reach cap)
Fuchsia SS12 (13 packets more to reach cap)
Fucshia SS16 (16 packets more to reach cap)
Rose SS7 (13 packets more to reach cap
Rose SS9 (14 packets more to reach cap)
Rose SS12 (minimum order reached)
Rose SS16 (12 packets more to reach cap)
Lt Rose SS7 (16 packets more)
Lt Rose SS9 (7 packets more)
Lt Rose SS12 (6 packets more)
Lt Rose SS16 (17 packets more)
Vintage Rose SS7 (12 packets more)
Vintage Rose SS9 (9 packets more)
Vintage Rose SS12 (8 packets more)
Vintage Rose SS16 (15 packets more)
PadParadscha SS9 (18 packets more)
Padparadscha SS12 ( 17 Packets to reach cap)
Black Diamond SS7 (15 packets more)
Black Diamond SS9 (11 packets more)
Black Diamond SS12 (13 packets to reach cap)
Lt Amethyst SS7 (13 Packets more)
Lt Amethyst SS9 (11 packets more)
Lt Amethyst SS12 (17 packets to reach cap)
Tanzanite SS7 (12 packets more)
Tanzanite SS9 ( 15 packets more)
Tanzanite SS12 (13 packets to reach cap)
Peridot SS9 (16 packets more)
Peridot SS12 (15 packets more)
Jonquil SS7 (16 packets more)
Jonquil SS9 (15 packets more)
Jonquil SS12 (14 packets more)
Jonquil SS16 (17 Packets more)
Other colours and sizes are still open for ordering, just place your orders and i will consolidate.
Terms & Conditions (Kindly read before ordering):
◊ No Payment = No Orders
◊ Post after payments. Orders and Payment in one post please.
◊ All transfers to be made in LJnick if doing ibanking.
◊ All updates prior to item arrival are done on spree page itself. So pls bookmark spree page.
◊ Mass email will only be done when items arrive, pls do not bug me for updates when there are none.
◊ I will not be responsible when seller/merchant/supplier send the wrong item/colour, but will do my best to solve the problem.
◊ Kindly repost if you want to add/change/delete items.
◊ I reserve the right to collect any shortfalls when my CC statement arrives.
◊ I reserve the right to reject orders/close the spree, with valid reasons of course.
◊ I do not profit from all these work, just wanna save on shipping.
BY JOINING THIS SPREE, You are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to abide by my T&Cs listed above. If you are uncomfortable with any T&Cs stated above, PLS DO NOT JOIN.
Items available:
1. Rhinestones (Coloured and Crystal only)
2. Glue for your rhinestones
These are authentic Swarovski Crystals, Xilion Rose Swarovski Crystals.
Sizes Available:
The measurements are by diameter. Can use a ruler to measure.
SS7 [2.2mm]
SS9 [2.6mm]
SS12 [3mm]
SS16 [4mm]
Size Chart:
Please only look at SS7, SS9, SS12, SS16. I will only be able to order these sizes as given from supplier. The size chart is of an estimation. May not be the exact size due to your computer screen dimensions and definition.
Two Types of Categories for Rhinestones:
a) Crystal (1 colour, which is clear only.)
b) Coloured
= Basically, these are the main colours the supplier has on hand right now. The colours below are quite close to the ones you are getting because of the different screens colour definition. However, you can refer tothe chart below for clarifications. Please only look at the colours the supplier offered below. (These listed below are the only colours for this spree.)
Light Sapphire
Blue Zircon
Light Siam
Light Rose
Vintage Rose
Black Diamond
Light Amethyst
Price per Packet (72 pcs):
a) Crystal:
SS5 - $2.40
SS7 - $2.50
SS9 - $2.50
SS12 - $2.70
SS16 - $3.30
SS20 - $4.70
b) Coloured:
SS5 - $2.60
SS7 - $2.70
SS9 - $2.70
SS12 - $2.90
SS16 - $3.80
SS20 - $5.20
Japan (5g) = $6.00
good but it does not come with fine tip (Personally like this, I use toothpick to utilize the glue)
When will I stop taking orders?
-When each colour of each size reaches a 20 packets, which means first come first served, so better post your orders and payments quickly before I can't take in orders. Please be patient as it takes time to have this pool of orders. Fussy spree-ers stay away.
My email address
surfn_37@hotmail.com - Kindly indicate your real name and LJ nick when you email me k? Easier to greet you that way.
How spree participants should make payment?
- POSB Savings A/C No: 060-60572-6 (Only POSB / DBS transfer for IB user or POSB / DBS ATM Transfer) (Please indicate your LJ username for IB user )
- Strictly no interbank transfers.
How will the items be distributed?
- By post
Local Postage Charges
http://www.singpost.com/quick_services/quicks_03postal.htm - Items will be weighed. TBA
- *Registered Mail: add $2.24
Handling and Packing Fees ($0.50 per Spree-er)
-Cost of green wrapper or envelopes, tapes, sticky label for each item, sticky label for spree-er address.
Freezes Replies = Payment Received
Shipping Details
-No shipping involved.
-Waiting time will be about 3weeks after I placed order.
Format of Order
Email Address:
Postage Options: Normal / Registered
Color: Crystal
Size: SS9
Qty: 1pkt(72)
Amount: $xxx
Color: Light Siam
Size: SS7 Qty: 1pkt(72)
Amount: $xxx
Total No of Item(s):
Total in SGD: Total Amount + $0.50 = $00.00
* For ibanking, please show To Account POSB Savings 060-60572-6 kayahara
Amount S$XX.XX
Transaction reference XXXXXXXXX
* For ATM, please show