(no subject)

Sep 19, 2009 16:01

Chapter 6 of alison_swift's Spike/Fred fic Retrieval and Return is up, and the romance therein is sweet and haunting and funny and just freakin' adorable.


I'll use this entry to provide links to all the Retrieval and Return chapters as they're posted:

Chapters 7 & 8
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1

Header (re-posted from Chapter 1):
Title: Retrieval and Return
Rating: Mostly PG-13, reaching up to R eventually.
Summary: While laying low from Wolfram and Hart, the gang stumbles upon a group of wannabe slayers, struggling to keep their tiny town from a nest of vampires. In return, the ragtag bunch might be able to help our heroes bring back a friend. On top of that, Wolfram and Hart isn't giving up so easily. Couple of snotty teenage OC's, who won't be hanging around for long.
Pairing: Fred/Spike, some Angel/Nina.
Disclaimer: I do not own Angel or any of the characters from the show. If I did, Fred would not be Illyria, and Spike would be cuddling her.
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