Okay, so here’s how this RHT thing works:
- You give me a prompt.
- I write a haiku based on your prompt.
- Everyone comments with appreciation/sarcasm.
But it’s going to have to be a little more complicated than that, because I’d like to do it every week, and if pigs fly I do it well enough, there may eventually be a lot of prompts and comments to sort through, so here are some more detailed exhaustive (sorry!) guidelines:
Who can submit prompts: Anyone with an LJ account. However, I don’t particularly want messages from angry parents (or angry LJ), so if you’re under the required age for explicit material in your area, please come back when you’re old enough. I'm rating these posts M/NC-17 just to be safe.
Disclaimer: I make no claims to any copyrighted material used in the haiku, and I'm making no money off of them. Believe me, if I owned even a tenth of this stuff, I would NOT be sitting around writing haiku all day.
Prompts: Each prompt may have up to four parts. These parts are:
1. Fandom. Accepted fandoms include: The Devil Wears Prada, Harry Potter, Voyager, Xena, Buffy, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, Dollhouse, Pride and Prejudice. These are the main fandoms I am obsessed familiar with; therefore, these are the ones I know inside and out, and I can do pretty much any prompt you can think of for them. If you have a request involving another fandom, you can go ahead and post a prompt and I’ll see what I can do, but I make no promises.
2. Pairing. This can be specific individuals, e.g. Miranda/Andy, Harry/Draco, or it can be as vague as f/f, m/m, threesome, m/f (weird, I know, but I try to keep an open mind :P).
3. Actual Prompt. This can be only one or two words (e.g. Jimmy Choos, lube), or it can be very specific (Mirandy get caught having office sex, Seven is annoyed by all the implausible turbolift stories and decides to do something about it, etc.). If you don’t request a specific fandom and pairing, or even something fandom-related (and you don’t have to-random is in the title for a reason), then a more specific prompt is a good idea. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you can even write your own haiku and prompt me to respond to it.
4. Genre/Style. Feel free to be specific and/or outlandish with the genre you request. If you don’t really care what genre the haiku comes out, then you don’t need to specify, but be aware that this will usually result in a default genre of crack. Examples of possible genres include: AU, crack, death, fluff, horror, humor, literary, mystery, pretentious, romance, smut, tragedy…and, of course, AIAP (As Inappropriate As Possible…yes, I’m looking at you, my crackalicious ysosrs peeps). There are many others I will be happy to attempt, but I make no guarantees. For example: “In the style of Agatha Christie”-do-able. “In the style of Edgar Allan Poe”-a nice challenge. “Shakespearean”-dubious, at best. “Stream of consciousness”-um, no.
Submission: All prompts should be submitted in their own comment and in a new thread (yes, even if you have more than one), with PROMPT (caps optional) as the first word of the comment. Please list prompt elements in the same order as above (fandom, pairing, prompt, genre). Elements should be separated by , ; . or the symbol of your choice, as long as it’s consistent. I will not write haiku for prompts posted after midnight (your time or EST, whichever comes later). It’s Random Haiku Thursday for a reason.
Sample Prompts for the Confused (or people tired of reading all that other crap):
PROMPT: DWP, Mirandy, Miranda forgets Andy’s birthday, smut
PROMPT: HP. time travel. crack
PROMPT: American politics; plane crash; humor
PROMPT: DWP # Nate/Stephen # AIAP
PROMPT: every John Wayne movie ever, crack
General/Warnings: Some of the haiku will probably be more-or-less serious, depending on the genres requested. That’s totally fine. However, this is intended to be a pretty light-hearted endeavor, so those who are easily offended would probably do best to steer clear. This is NOT srs bsns, people. Have fun with it! Also, if you get squeamish at the thought of lady parts (or possibly even man parts, depending on how far afield these prompts roam), then proceed with extreme caution, or not at all. I’m giving all RHT entries an M/NC-17 rating, just to be safe.
I Reserve the Right to: delete any comments/prompts that I feel to be excessively mean-spirited or in flagrant violation of these guidelines; mock prompts/comments just ‘cause I feel like it; strongly encourage the overly sensitive to go elsewhere for their Thursday entertainment; declare a per-person prompt limit if things are starting to get out of hand; make no guarantees about when the haiku will be posted.
Bonus Points and Virtual Cookies: Will go to anyone who comments in haiku form or finds a haiku with an incorrect number of syllables.
Comments: Should be full of admiration, glee, LOLcats, and/or sarcasm. Mock away!
Pimpage/Linking: Are strongly encouraged (within LJ).
Whew. Sorry to be so long-winded. I will link to this post weekly, but I’ll let you know if the laws guidelines have changed so you’ll only have to read all that mess once.
Okay, enough blather. START PROMPTING!