У нас любят полуновости писать, искажая весь смысл. В сети писали, что Гугл саму возможность не убрал, а изменил. В детали не вдавался. Предлагаю изучить суть изменений Гугла.
Вы технически следили что они делали последнее время (начиная еще с введения самой возможности ввода SOCKS-прокси в мобильном клиенте) (это не последние две-три недели)?
Интересно еще то, что кроме Domain Fronting, они также пофиксили Dangling DNS entries: A problem can arise if you delete your CloudFront distribution, but leave your DNS still pointing at CloudFront, popularly known as a “dangling” DNS entry. Thankfully, this is very rare, as the domain will no longer work, but we occasionally see customers who leave their old domains dormant. This can also happen if you leave this kind of “dangling” DNS entry pointing at other infrastructure you no longer control. For example, if you leave a domain pointing at an IP address that you don’t control, then there is a risk that someone may come along and “claim” traffic destined for your domain.
Comments 22
В сети писали, что Гугл саму возможность не убрал, а изменил. В детали не вдавался. Предлагаю изучить суть изменений Гугла.
A problem can arise if you delete your CloudFront distribution, but leave your DNS still pointing at CloudFront, popularly known as a “dangling” DNS entry. Thankfully, this is very rare, as the domain will no longer work, but we occasionally see customers who leave their old domains dormant. This can also happen if you leave this kind of “dangling” DNS entry pointing at other infrastructure you no longer control. For example, if you leave a domain pointing at an IP address that you don’t control, then there is a risk that someone may come along and “claim” traffic destined for your domain.
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