Bleach Fanfiction

Feb 12, 2009 08:42

I haven't written fanfiction for a LOONG time. I may make this more then one chapter, don't know yet. I should note, i got no one to beta it, there will obviously be mistakes, i'm no English major!

Word Count: 1,184 (Good luck if i write more then that in a report XD)
Pairing: Nnoitra x Tesla.
Warnings: Yaoi, but knowing me, you should have guessed as much.

“Nnoitra-sama, did you require something?” The blond Arrancar asked, stepping into the lavishly decorated room. He looked up at the taller, raven haired man; his master and the one he lived his life to serve.

He neither looked up or bothered to stop what he was doing, “Require something? Hah, I guess so, get over here, Tesla,” He made a motion with his hand that invited the Fraccion to come closer.

“Nnoitra-sama-?” He did what he was told when that one eye went up to look at him dangerously. It was always a better idea to obey then receive a punishment, the last time he had lost an eye.

Tesla let out a surprised sound as he was roughly pulled back onto the larger one’s lap. His arm’s were brought behind his back and being held by one of Nnoitra-sama’s strong arms, the other had begun to stroke through his clothes.

“You know what you can do for me?” Nnoitra looked down at his servant in a bored expression, resulting in the blond to jerk up and nuzzle his cheek against the other’s neck. The finger’s never stopped, caressing through clothes.

“N-no.. Nnoitra-sama..” He stammered as best he could under the ministrations, resulting in a smirk from Nnoitra.

“You can entertain me, I’m bored,” Nnoitra ran his long nails over his servant’s clothes.

“Y-yes, Nnoitra-sama..” Though the words came with difficulty, especially when faced with Nnoitra’s smirking face. No sooner did the words come out, was Tesla forced onto the bed on his back and gasping as his pants were pulled down and cold air rushed in.

“I have such a fucked up servant, he gets hard just getting stroked,” Tesla instantly turned pink under the gaze and words. He was about to say something, but the long tongue on his shaft did a good job of distracting him.

This wasn’t the first time Nnoitra did something like this to him, gradually each time he’d push him farther and farther, stroking until he was close and then discard him. Tesla would say he was a cruel person, but he was used to this side of his Espada. The need to dominate and humiliate someone, and then throw them away, like they all had done to him.

He was surprised this time, the tongue moved to stretch the muscles between his legs, it had never progressed his far before. Tesla wasn’t surprised when he screamed out in pain when something much bigger forced itself inside with very little stretching. Either, Nnoitra was very very horny, or another Espada did something to really piss him off. Tesla made a note not to ask, it just resulted in getting him angrier.

When you Nnoitra’s servant, you knew anything but rough wasn’t in his vocabulary. He was pushing in and out of his heat so hard and fast that he knew he wouldn’t be able to walk for days. It didn’t take that long for them to both come, fully spent and exhausted.

Tesla’s vision went black.

When Tesla came too again, he noticed he was dressed again, and very warm. He looked around and noticed he was in Nnoitra-sama’s room, but his Espada was no where to be found. Trying to sit up in bed make pain shoot up his spine and he was forced to lie back down against the covers of the warm bed. Tesla moved onto his side careful, smelling the pillow with Nnoitra’s scent on it, he could definitely get used to walking up in his room more often, even if it meant enduring rough sex.

“I wonder where Nnoitra-sama is..” He muttered out loud, closing his eyes to relax.

A couple of minutes later, soft footsteps entered the room and a very loud, “He’s still fucken’ asleep?” could be heard.

Tesla opened his eye slowly, “Nnoitra-sama’s bed is very warm.” He could see Nnoitra shift positions from where he was standing, with a confused look on his face.

“That so? Then you can sleep here whenever you want, you’re my servant after all.”

Tesla looked up surprised, “Nnoitra-sama.. are you su-“ He was cut off.

“Off course I’m fucken sure,”

“That’s right, where were you, Sir?”

Nnoitra glared at no place in particular, “A boring ass Espada meeting, at least there’s free tea- but you still make it better then those fucken maids.”

Tesla gave a rare smile, “I’m glad, Nnoitra-sama, would you like some now?”

He was surprised that Nnoitra sat on the bed and helped him sit up, “Sure, why not.” Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all, he thought.

Tesla thought the relationship was progressing as far as it could, for being with someone like Nnoitra. He had received a passionate kiss to greet him in the morning.

“I got a fucken meeting, make the usual when I get back.”

“Yes, sir.”

Off course, sex was still the same; rough, but the pain was dulling with the multiple sessions. He got up with little difficulty so he could change and go about his morning duties before Nnoitra came back from the meeting.

The days were always the same, dulling routine. Tesla wondered what it would have been like if either of them hadn’t become hollows, should they still have meet? Would they be in such a strange relationship? The more he thought about it, the more he thought that he wouldn’t be able to live without Nnoitra.

He wiped a tear that made it past his eye, they were meaningless thoughts, after all, he was Nnoitra’s, and Nnoitra was his.

“Tesla, don’t tell me you’ve been daydreaming all morning!?”

Tesla looked up, the thoughts leaving his head, “My gravest apology, I was-“

“Thinking about me, huh?”

Sweat went down his face, that grin could scare anyone, “No, Sir, I was just-“

He was kissed roughly and pulled down onto the bed, “Forget about that, you can make the food after we finish this.”

“Yes, sir,” Tesla idly wondered if he should have such an easy time talking under such ministrations, but then decided to forget about such thoughts. They were meaningless and Nnoitra wouldn’t care much for such topics.

Tesla sometimes wished he could have such a simple life like his master; living to become stronger was something that Tesla admired about the man, but as he watched his master fall to his knee’s with that last final blow, blood seeping out of his own wound and breath coming short, he knew only one thing; that he lived to serve this man, for eternity. He would surly meet him wherever Arrancar go when they die, he promised with his final breath.

“Wake up, idiot!”

Tesla woke up to the not so gentle kick given to his side, eye opening wide, “N-Nnoitra-sama? Where..”

Nnoitra gave a full grin in response, not caring that his Arrancar uniform was in tatters, “If I can’t become the top Espada, I’ll just become the top Shinigama.”

Tesla gulped, this was the last place he expected to be reborn in, but it didn’t matter since he was by his Master’s side. Eternity, he thought.

anime;bleach, fanfiction, pairing;nnoites, character;tesla, character;nnoitra

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