I love to tell others

Sep 08, 2010 22:18

For delgaserasca 's summer ficathon. Prompt, title, and epigraphs from poetry by Paul Guest.

TITLE: Remember How Sad That Was When
CHARACTERS: Harry, Ruth, Malcolm, Ros, Lucas
SPOILERS: Series 8
SUMMARY: "He'd had a plan. A simple and effective game."

I'm riddled with errors; machine gunned )

season 8, fic, late summer ficathon

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Comments 6

odainath September 9 2010, 05:58:29 UTC
Loved this - absolutely adored it. Brilliant.


zulu_ottawa September 10 2010, 01:08:13 UTC


etoilefilante September 10 2010, 11:03:47 UTC
This is brilliant. I love the subtlety of it, because though you don't outright say what happened (at least not until nearer the end and even then it is still wonderfully subtle), the emotional reactions of the characters are felt so profoundly.


zulu_ottawa September 10 2010, 21:54:11 UTC
Thank you! Glad the characterization was good! :D


katiealice49 September 12 2010, 18:24:07 UTC
This was FANTASTIC! :D

I really can't decide who the traiter is; Lucas or Harry? Probably Lucas, but I don't really know. That's just another wonderful thing about this fic, though.


zulu_ottawa September 12 2010, 18:32:09 UTC
Thanks so much!

I left that purposely ambiguous. It can go either way, but I'll never tell. ;) Look! The spygran icon is appropriate for traitors. Heee.


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