I had heard about this but the raw numbers didn't really mean much to me at the time. This article put it more in perspective
Some web-savvy modern entrepreneurs should put together an internet-driven catalog with full info, cover pics, etc and put an end to Diamond's monopoly. Their hold on distribution is a legacy from a previous century that is quite possibly harming the modern comic market
Another thing would be I wonder if this'll bring around a rise in collections and anthologies instead of the classic single issues for lesser-grossing titles
Comments 1
Some web-savvy modern entrepreneurs should put together an internet-driven catalog with full info, cover pics, etc and put an end to Diamond's monopoly. Their hold on distribution is a legacy from a previous century that is quite possibly harming the modern comic market
Another thing would be I wonder if this'll bring around a rise in collections and anthologies instead of the classic single issues for lesser-grossing titles
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