Title: spun inside my heart
Fandom: American Idol RPF
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Adam/Kris
Word Count: ~6,000
Summary: Kris thinks life really can't get any better than this. (Shenanigans and sexytiemz and more schmoop. High school AU.)
A/N: You guys are so, so sweet. Your lovely comments seriously make my day. :) This installment pushes my posted word count to over 23,000. I still have around 15,000 half-written/not-quite-ready for posting, and goodness knows how many more still brewing in my head. Thanks for sticking with me.
This one's for the
kissbingo prompt, emotion: jealousy.
Master post of previous installments:
here It's a gorgeous Friday afternoon, he's surrounded by some of his best friends in the world, Adam's arms are draped over him like a warm and cuddly backpack, and Kris thinks life really can't get any better than this.
Except Ryland's suddenly frowning. "What is it?" Kris asks, interrupting Alisan and Tommy's gossip.
"We're gonna have trouble if all of us are going for pizza. I brought my drums today," Ryland says, squinting at the semicircle they'd formed.
"Your van seats ten, right?" Cale asks.
"Yeah. But with the drums, it's down to six. Maybe seven if we get creative with the squeezing," Ryland answers, forehead wrinkling.
"Oh, no problem. I can take Kris. And one of you guys can take Alisan," Adam says completely casually, like it was something he said every day.
Kris cranes his neck to peer up at him. "I'm sorry, what?"
Adam rolls his eyes and digs his chin into Kris's shoulder. "Sit on my lap. Cale or whoever can take Alisan. Then there's Dani, Brad, Tommy, Lee, Ryland, and Andrew. No sweat. Brad and Tommy make, like, one person anyway, so we'll be comfortable."
"Allison's not coming?" Tommy asks.
"I think Matt ambushed her and dragged her around for some shopping. They'll meet us there," Adam says.
"Okay, so this is all of us, then? Let's load up," Andrew claps his hands and picks up his backpack.
"Hoooooold on," Brad sing-songs. "How come Adam gets to decide for all of us? What if I want to sit on Cale's lap?"
The whole group bursts out laughing. Cale looks at Brad and raises his eyebrow challengingly. "I see," he says. "I knew you weren't immune to my studly charm. I just knew it. Come on, then."
"Wait! I'm offended," Alisan mock-pouts. "Just like that, Cale? Do I mean nothing to you? I'm defenseless against this twink."
"I'll let you sit on my lap, Ali," Danielle pipes up with a little grin.
Kris bent over laughing at that one, disengaging Adam's arms around him. The hysterical laughter of the rest of the group just makes everything more hilarious, and it's a while before any of them can stop.
"Well now I'm jealous of all the action you guys are getting," Ryland says, cheeky. "Anyone wanna hop up front with me?"
"I'd totally do it. Too bad it'd get us arrested, so next time, maybe," Tommy winks. "Come on, this'll be fun."
They pile in the van carefully, Ryland at the driver's seat with Andrew and all of their backpacks up front; Adam, Danielle and Tommy sitting on the first row; Cale and Lee at the back, heads ducked, trying hard not to get hit by the cymbals. Kris relaxes into Adam's chest, long since used to sitting this way; Alisan is elevated next to him, her hand ghosting on his forearm in case she overbalances. Brad is right behind them, gleefully making lewd jokes about Cale's shoe size and how big shoes mean... big feet.
Adam's giggling into his neck and Kris sighs deeply, feeling mellow and blissed out. Right as they turn the corner from the school parking lot, Adam jumps under him. "What the fuck, Brad?"
"Won't your precious boy switch with me, superstar? Damn, I wish I'd thought of this earlier. I want to tell everybody that I rode the great Adam Lambert," Brad crows.
Kris huffs and pulls Adam's arms more tightly around him. "Don't you even start, Brad."
"Ooh, baby boy's getting snitty!" Tommy cries. "Catfight in Ryland's van!"
Kris grins as he feels Adam's rumbling laugh against him. "In your dreams, Bradley," Adam says.
"Oh, I've definitely been having dreams, baby," Brad coos. "Very hot, very wet dreams. I'm up for a demonstration if you are."
The rest of the van all but collapse in helpless laughter as Kris sits up straight and pins Brad with his most menacing glare. Which is to say, it really wasn't menacing at all. "Believe me, not even your wildest dreams even compare to the real thing."
"Oh, snap!" Alisan gleefully cheers as she claps her hands. "This is exactly why I love you, Kris."
Adam pulls him back into his chest and nips at his ear. "Mmm, you're my favorite."
"Damn right. I'd fight you for him, Brad, but I'm pretty sure I've already won."
They eventually make it to the pizza place and tumble out of the van in a not-so-graceful heap. Cale goes up to high-five Kris as Adam gives Brad a noogie, immediately jumping away when Brad playfully attempts to snag at his belt loops. Kris mock-growls at Brad then turns and tangles his fingers with Adam's, stumbling inside the pizza parlor. They spot Matt and a pouting Allison at a booth and drop down beside them.
"This guy torture you this afternoon, baby girl?" Adam laughs as he pulls on Kris's right leg to sling it over his left.
"You don't even know, man. He must have tried out, like, ten thousand fedoras. Fedoras aren't even cool," Allison grumbles as she slaps at Matt's shoulder.
"Fedoras? Really?" Kris asks with a wrinkled nose.
"Oh, like you're some kind of fashion guru, Kristopher," Matt says.
Kris laughs good-naturedly. "But even I know that it's not a good idea. How about that."
"What's not a good idea?" Alisan pipes up as she slides in next to Matt.
"Matt is trying to make fedoras happen," Adam says wryly. "Tell him it's not a good idea, Ali."
"It's definitely not a good idea," Alisan, Danielle, Brad and Tommy say simultaneously.
The guys drag another table to connect with the one they already had, and they manage to squeeze together into one jumbled, noisy mess. Kris converses lightly with Allison about her new Biology teacher, just enjoying the endearing cacophony of voices around him and the warmth of Adam's hands cupped around his knee. As usual, it takes them fifteen minutes to decide what to order, and another five to sort out what they'll each be drinking. Kris thinks that after just about their entire teenage lives of Friday nights like these, they really should have it down by now. But just like the fights they have over what to watch on movie nights, this is another one of their traditions, and Kris just has to sit back and smile.
He looks up at Adam's voice in his ear. "You're quiet."
Kris gives him a smile and a shrug. "Just enjoying the atmosphere."
"Atmosphere? You mean a dozen of us yelling over each other and having at least five different conversations at once?"
"Yeah, exactly," Kris grins and leans in to brush a soft kiss against his lips.
They both look up at Alisan's loud squawk of indignation. "Hey hey hey! None of that in here! There are rules," she says very seriously.
"Right, rules!" Brad cries from beside Cale, all the way at the other end of the table. "You know what, I think Kris and I should switch seats. So this will never happen again," he says, eyes twinkling.
Kris just laughs. "Nice try."
"You lose, Brad. I think I should switch seats with Kris," Tommy says earnestly. "I'll protect Adam's virtue."
Their table explodes with the loudest burst of laughter of the night. Allison pounds her fist on the table, tears running down her cheeks. Adam tilts his body completely into Kris, giggling hard, and Kris leans back into him.
"That's rich, Tommy," Andrew says dryly.
"What? That wasn't a joke," Tommy winks.
"Sorry boys, this little one's got first dibs," Adam says as he wraps his arm around Kris's shoulder and pulls so they're leaning on the back of the booth.
"So there's second and third dibs, huh?" Danielle asks.
"Yeah, and I got those too," Kris smirks. "I have all the dibs."
"That's my boy," Adam murmurs, just for him to hear.
The group laughs again, then the conversation switches to Megan's budding romance with Anoop.
"Seriously, 'Noopie's cool. He's smart and funny, and she'll make him lighten up. They'll be good for each other," Matt says.
"He can't be that cool if he lets you call him 'Noopie," Lee deadpans. "I mean, come on."
Matt laughs. "Nah, he hates it. I only do it to annoy him."
"Anoop's good people," Cale pipes up. "And he's really, really into Megan."
"Yeah, don't tell him, but Megan's crazy about him. It's hilarious," Allison says.
"That little player," Adam says. "Wasn't she all about that Jonathan guy just last month?"
Tommy laughs and says "Human beings were never meant to have just one partner. Monogamy is so overrated. Take note, Lambert. And you, Cherry."
"Shut up," Adam and Lee say simultaneously.
Kris just laughs and takes a sip from Adam's drink. "Where's Scarlett tonight, Lee?"
Lee smiles ruefully. "She's taking this fancy new art class. There's college credits, but the teacher can only take them Friday and Saturday nights."
"Bummer," Andrew says.
"So she's getting serious about RISD, huh?" Ryland muses. "Good for her."
"Yeah, it's pretty awesome," Lee says with a little grin.
Danielle put her chin in her hands and coos. "Scarlett tells me you're having dinner at her house every night just so you can spend some time together."
"Awwwww," the table cries in unison.
Lee rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah, you're all hilarious."
The pizza arrives then, and, as they do with everything else, they bicker over who gets which slices.
"I will never understand why anybody would want pineapples on their pizza," Danielle grimaces.
"Yeah well, I don't get why anyone would want disgusting fish on theirs," Matt sasses.
"Anchovies should be made illegal," Cale says and gives Matt an air-five.
"Preach," Kris murmurs as he picks out all the olives off his slice and dumps it on Adam's.
"You and your olives," Adam smiles at him indulgently.
"They look like little eyeballs," Kris frowns. "I don't get what you have against onions."
"Yeah? Well unlike you, I have a little respect for the person who's gonna be kissing me goodnight," Adam says.
Mid-bite, Kris's eyes widen in surprise. He puts down his half-eaten slice. "Wait, what -- you've never said anything!"
"I didn't want to seem like a jerk!"
"Seriously? You mean every -- even on our first date?!" Kris shrills.
Adam just shushes him when the whole table falls silent. "I was teasing. You're fine. Eat your food."
A loud giggle bursts out of Brad. "You're so adorable it's gross."
Kris pouts as he picks off all the onions from his pizza. "Stupid onions. Stupid, stupid boyfriends," he mutters.
Adam drops a kiss on his head. "You're so cute when you pout."
"I'm not talking to you anymore," Kris says as he scoots closer to Matt.
It's Adam's turn to roll his eyes outrageously. "Stop being a brat. Get back here," he says as he tugs on Kris's leg and slings it back on top of his. "I love your onion breath."
Kris's can't help but laugh at that. "You're ridiculous."
An hour passes as the group continue to laugh and eat and rib each other as lifelong friends are wont to do. It's a good time, it always is, and they always leave a big enough tip so the people who run the place always just indulge their general ruckus.
Lee leaves close to eight, heading back to school to pick up Scarlett. Matt takes off soon after, calling it an early night. Tommy and the girls hitch with him, all living in the same side of town. Then there's just six of them left, Cale and Andrew huddling together in conversation while Ryland talks to his brother on the phone. Adam is pressed up against Kris, clasping his hand, fingers carefully touching the new callouses on his skin. His forehead is scrunched up in concentration, as if trying to commit them to memory. Kris looks up distractedly as Brad plops down next to him.
"Hello, Kristopher."
"Hi, Bradley."
"You're a really bad sharer, you know."
"Oh? How's that?"
"Sorry, Adam's non-negotiable," Kris smirks.
"It's a shame that hot piece of ass is being kept on such a tight leash," Brad says nonchalantly, examining his nails. "A simple makeout session is all I'm asking for here. Well. Maybe two."
Kris laughs. "Oh, man. You just lost any chance you had there, champ."
Adam smirks and nips at Kris's knuckles. "There was never a chance. But 'piece of ass'? Really, Brad? Like saying that would make me drop my pants right here?"
Kris leans in to kiss his cheek. "Your ass is the hottest ass, babe," he says facetiously.
"Come on, don't be such a prude," Brad frowns.
"Oh, I'm the farthest thing from a prude, Bradley," Adam smirks. "My dear Kristopher here can attest to that. I like being objectified just as much as the next person, but y'know, I have other assets too."
"Life should just be about fun, Adam. We're young and beautiful and free. All that... touchy-feely stuff? Way overrated," Brad says with a grimace.
Adam just sighs, impatient. "You mean real feelings? Building an emotional connection? Sorry Brad, but if I'm going to have a fling, it's not gonna be with someone who just wants to tap this." Adam grins and thumbs away the wrinkles that appear on Kris's forehead. "You know better than to worry about that, baby."
"You talk like you've been thinking about this," Kris says, trying to tamp down the suddenly cold feeling in his chest.
"Well, yeah. I've thought about how there's nobody in the world who could ever tempt me to cheat," Adam smiles. Well. That makes Kris feel a little better. Kind of.
"Jeez guys," Cale pipes up. "Can't we go more than ten minutes without you slobbering all over each other?"
Kris kisses Adam's palm and turns to them. "Who's slobbering?"
Brad rolls his eyes. "The two of you are freakish."
"The two of us are leaving now," Adam says as he stands. "Mom's taking us out for ice cream, she said Moe's at eight thirty."
"Awesome." Kris pulls on his backpack and gives hugs all around the table. "See you Monday, guys."
They stop right at the door, Kris grinning and enjoying the attention as Adam fusses with his jacket, tugging it in place and and zipping it up to his chin. Kris steals a small kiss and then holds the door open for Adam, easily falling into step with him and threading their fingers together. They're three restaurants from the ice cream parlor when an unnaturally strong breeze ruffles their hair, and Adam automatically swings his arm around Kris's shoulders, absorbing his shivers.
"I'm gonna get you a thicker jacket," Adam says, not quite recoiling when Kris's cold nose touches his neck.
"S'fine," Kris murmurs. "Got you to keep me warm."
Adam hmms happily and hauls Kris impossibly closer. They continue walk a few more steps and enter Moe's, and Kris smiles as Adam runs his warm hands over Kris's ears and neck. After a few seconds, he steps in for a hug and whispers a quiet thank you into Adam's shoulder. They slide into an empty booth and Adam tucks Kris into his side, breathing endearments into his hair as he continues to rub down his arms and tries to warm his hands. Kris turns his head and draws Adam into a slow, soft kiss.
"I'm keeping you forever," Kris breathes as they pull apart.
Adam's smile is big and brilliant, his thumb coming up to rub at Kris's bottom lip. "You'll never get rid of me."
Kris's tongue darts out and licks at Adam's thumb, and Kris smiles as Adam's eyes suddenly darken. He opens his mouth to suck at it when suddenly Adam recoils, his eyes flying to the door. Neil and Leila enter, Neil's voice booming in the mostly-empty store, saying something about extra toppings.
"Hey boys," Leila says as she slides in the seat across Adam.
"Hi mom," Adam chokes out before letting out a string of coughs.
Kris rubs Adam's back and smiles at Leila. "Hi, mom."
"You getting sick, Adam?" Leila asks with a furrowed brow.
"No I'm fine, just... breathed wrong," Adam wheezes.
"Still up for ice cream?"
"Of course."
Leila hands him a couple of bills, then Adam stands and tugs at Kris's hand, and they make their way to the counter.
"Do you still want ice cream, babe?" Adam asks.
Kris looks up at the menu casually. "Yeah. I'm all hot and bothered now," he says.
Adam giggles and checks his hip. "It's your own fault. And shut up, my brother will hear you."
"You guys talkin' 'bout me?" Neil asks, holding a tray with an enormous banana split on top.
"Mind your own business," Adam says. Neil just shrugs and walks to their table.
"Do you wanna share a big one?" Kris asks.
Adam raises his eyebrow. "Oh I want a big one, alright."
Kris muffles his giggles into Adam's shoulder. "Oh gosh, stop. Your mother is right there."
"You stop being so suggestive!" Adam says. "Okay, a large sundae, the works?"
"Yeah, sounds good. Extra rainbow sprinkles please."
"You're such a little kid, it's adorable."
"Shut up, you like them too."
"Never said I didn't," Adam smiles.
They lean on each other as they wait for their order. Kris picks up the tray and heads back to the table while Adam gets a couple glasses of water and a wad of tissues. They slide back into the booth, and Kris automatically slings his right leg over Adam's left, grinning when Adam doesn't even have to think to drape his free hand on Kris's knee.
"You're trespassing!" Adam exclaims as Kris takes a particularly large spoonful of sundae.
"Am not," Kris mumbles.
"That bit of syrup was the line of demarcation, and you clearly spooned past it! Unfair!"
"Stop making up words."
"Boys, behave," Leila says with a smile. "Tell me about your day."
"Mine was okay, I bombed on a surprise calc quiz but Mrs. K said it didn't count anyway. And dinner was fun," Adam says.
"Oh of course it was," Kris mutters, rolling his eyes with a sarcastic smile.
Neil lights up at that, grinning. "Ooh, intrigue."
Kris smirks and reaches under the table, pushes his fingers between Adam's. "Nah, I was kidding. Adam did spend the whole dinner getting propositioned by half the table."
Adam sputters. "You liar! It was two people. And it was mostly Brad anyway, so that doesn't even count."
"How so?" Leila asks, not even trying to hide her grin. Neil raises an eyebrow at Adam, still smirking.
"Brad hits on everyone," Adam says, rolling his eyes fondly. "It's never serious. He just loves when he gets under people's skin."
"Ha, yeah, he even hits on me," Neil groans. "He has a pretty good leer."
Kris laughs. "Yeah, and that eyebrow has, like, a mind of its own. Magical powers."
"He's always been a little sweet-talker, even back when you were kids," Leila recalls, an affectionate dip in her voice. "It'd be weird to see him settled down, even if that's still pretty far off."
"Oh I think he'll meet his match someday. He won't know what hit him."
Adam pushes Kris into the backseat of the car, plopping down beside him with a sigh. Kris curls around Adam's left arm and tips his head on his shoulder, grinning as Adam starts humming along to the song on the radio.
"Are we taking you home, Kris?" Leila asks.
"I have a few hours before my curfew, I'd like to stay at your place for a bit, if that's okay?" Kris asks politely.
"You didn't need to ask, honey," Leila smiles and pulls away from the lot.
"Hey Neil, how'd your audition go?" Adam pipes up.
"Think it went well. I wasn't too nervous," Neil says, air drumming absently on the dashboard.
"Who else auditioned for piano?"
"Nicole something, she's a sophomore too. And this freshman showed up, she was pretty good. And some junior who was so badass, kept playing these classic jazz stuff while we were waiting. Good thing they're taking two people, or I wouldn't even stand a chance."
Kris smiles encouragingly. "Try not to worry too much, I'm sure you did great. Did Mr. D. say anything to you?"
"Nah, he didn't really say anything to anyone."
"Okay, yeah, he tries not to give away too much during auditions. Except if you really suck."
"Well, that's encouraging," Neil says wryly. "Anyway, I'm not really stressing, I'll be fine either way. Just thought it wouldn't hurt to try."
Adam giggles. "Wow. That was almost mature. There might be hope for you yet."
"Shut up."
The car rumbles to a stop on their driveway and Leila gives Adam the keys. "Just put 'em on the kitchen hook when you get back."
"Thanks, mom."
"Thanks for dessert."
"Yeah, thanks, mom."
Adam all but drags Kris up the stairs and slams him against the door, the snick of the lock loud in the quiet of his room. Their kisses are sloppy and wet and deep, and it all escalates so fast, Kris is breathless with it. After a few seconds, Kris takes charge, pulling off his clothes faster than he's ever done in his life. There's a sudden itch under his skin, and he just. He just wants. Badly.
While Adam is single-mindedly mapping his whole upper body with his smooth, wide hands and sucking bruises on his lips, Kris pushes Adam's jacket off his shoulders and unbuckles his complicated belt, kissing up his neck, walking them both to the bed. Adam drops down on it with a deep sigh, shucking his shirt and boxers off. Kris stands at the foot of the bed, admiring the view. They're both breathing heavily, Adam's cock red and flushed against his stomach; Kris's mouth starts to water. Adam is shifting to reach for their supplies tucked in his bedside drawer when Kris crawls over him, knees on either side of his chest, pinning his hands on the bed.
"What --" Adam breathes.
Kris dips his head down for a deep kiss. "I'm driving tonight." He sucks a small bruise on Adam's neck and grins as he shudders underneath him. He squeezes Adam's wrists and pushes down. "Keep 'em there." He crawls down Adam's body, pressing wet kisses on his collarbone, his shoulder, his sternum. When he licks at Adam's nipple, he feels Adam's hand clamp in his hair and he immediately pulls away.
Adam groans impatiently. "Kris, what --"
"I said arms up," Kris says sternly. "Do this for me."
Once Adam obliges, Kris continues his trek down his body, sucking marks on his chest, murmuring endearments into his skin. Adam writhes under him, muttering filthy words as Kris goes further and further down. Kris works on forming a hickey right on the jut of Adam's hip, hand fisting slowly up and down Adam's cock. Adam hisses, hips violently bucking upward. "Baby, please --"
Kris smiles darkly as he tightens his grip, twisting a little. His thumb presses on the newly-formed bruise and he surges upward to swallow Adam's gasp, tongue demanding entry into Adam's hot mouth. The kiss is dirty and hot, and Kris makes it last until he starts to feel lightheaded. He pulls away and they both try to catch their breath; Kris brushes his nose against Adam's. "I love you. And you're mine." Their next kiss is bruising, teeth knocking violently together, Kris completely in charge, sucking on Adam's tongue, gripping the back of his neck, hungry and desperate. Kris feels hot and overwhelmed, hands wandering everywhere, wanting to mark every inch of Adam's beautiful body, wanting to crawl underneath his skin, wanting things he couldn't even begin to name.
Before he knows it, he's made his way back down, his mouth wrapped around Adam's dick, his head bobbing up and down, tongue swirling and wrist twisting exactly the way he knows Adam loves, the way they discovered together so long ago, the way nobody else in the world knows. The way Kris doesn't want anybody else to know, ever. Adam's muttering curses under his breath, hands fisting the sheets, thighs shaking, and Kris feels a bizarre mix of proud and terrified and violently possessive and just before he thinks his jaw is getting a little sore, Adam swells in his mouth and comes with a loud groan. Kris swallows everything that Adam gives, well-practiced; tongue working, grinning when he feels Adam's hand card clumsily through his hair.
Kris crawls back up Adam's body, tucking his face in his neck and slumping against him, hands soothing his twitching muscles. He tries to ignore his raging hard-on, and how he feels a little woozy from the lack of oxygen. Adam lets out a hysterical giggle against his temple, and Kris doesn't even stop the dopey grin that stretches his face. He plants wet, sucking kisses on his neck, arms coming around and squeezing Adam's waist. Adam's hands come up to clumsily pat his cheeks, twisting in his hair and fondling his ears.
He's just managed to calm his racing heart and slow his breaths down, and suddenly he's on his back, Adam hovering above him, an unreadable look on his face. Adam's eyes are shining as he just stares, and Kris fights not to squirm under his intense blue gaze.
And then Adam's smiling, bright and beautiful and the absolute best thing in Kris's life, he can't not screw his eyes shut against the sudden tears burning in them, surging up for a desperate, dizzying kiss. The itch under his skin is back, and he scrabbles his hands up Adam's arms and into his hair, pressing tight against him, trying to fuse them together somehow. Adam groans and follows his lead for a while, bruising his lips before slowly pulling away, thumbs stroking his eyelids.
Kris whimpers in protest when Adam turns his head away; he fights Adam's grip on his face and kisses up his jaw. He thrusts up against Adam's thigh, inhaling sharply at the friction. "Adam, c'mon --"
Somehow Adam pulls away from him completely, braced on his hands and knees, hands gripping his wrists. Kris is so turned on he could die. "Dammit Adam, what are you --"
"Baby, look at me," Adam whispers, and Kris nearly comes undone when he catches the look on his face. Adam's eyes are shining, full of wry affection and unbearable sweetness with a hint of pure, almost childlike joy. It's like staring into the sun, and Kris can't keep his gaze for more than a handful of seconds. He stares past Adam's shoulder instead, willing himself to calm down.
Adam leans down and noses at his cheek. "Kristopher," he breathes. "You're kind of an idiot."
Kris glares. "Wow, thanks. That's exactly what a guy likes to hear while pinned under your naked body."
Adam's smile widens at that, and Kris just blinks at him. "Don't think I don't know what's going on in that head of yours," he whispers, dotting small kisses all across his forehead.
"You're killing me, babe. I need -- I can take care of myself if you just --" Kris grunts, bordering on annoyed, trying to wrench his right hand from Adam's grip.
Adam presses his forehead against his - "I love when you're bossy" - and suddenly Adam's hand is around his dick, grip tight and twisting, and Kris is just gone. He screws his eyes shut and whimpers against Adam's cheek as he comes three strokes later. He'd feel embarrassed if he could make his brain work at all; instead he just breathes and breathes, willing his heart to stop racing. He's vaguely aware of Adam chuckling, nosing down his cheek to his neck, pressing wet kisses on his collarbone, lips wide with a stupid grin. He's pulled to his side, Adam wrapped all around him, sucking on his bottom lip. Their legs tangle together automatically.
"I love you, Kris. Even if you're an idiot."
Kris just squints at him. "Yeah, I really feel loved right now. The heck did I do to you?"
"I can't believe you think you have anything to worry about," Adam says, face turning serious. "I must be doing something wrong."
Kris frowns, alarmed, and reaches up to smooth the lines away from Adam's forehead. "Hey. What -- I have no idea what you're talking about, babe."
Adam glances down at himself and lifts an eyebrow. "I have, like, six new hickeys right now. Not that I'm complaining, but. Y'know. You think you're being subtle, but you're really not."
Kris runs his fingers down Adam's side, looking at what he's just done, thumb pressing the mottled bruise on his hip. Adam inhales sharply, eyes darkening. "Wanted to make you feel it," Kris murmurs, fixing Adam with a dark, intense gaze. Yeah, he did that. "So you won't forget."
"Forget what, baby?"
Kris looks at Adam for a long time, just looks. Adam's gorgeous, and it's like, it's not that Kris ever forgets, but it still floors him sometimes. His skin is humming. Then he leans forward and closes his eyes. "Don't want you to ever forget who you belong to," he whispers fiercely, forehead pressing hard against Adam's cheek.
They're silent for a moment, then Adam pulls away, gripping Kris's chin until he opens his eyes, pinning him with an powerful gaze. "You totally let Brad get to you," he murmurs disbelievingly.
Kris rolls his eyes. "I did not."
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not! It's just..." he trails off, distractedly thumbing under Adam's eyes.
"Just what?"
"Sometimes I think I take it for granted. You. What we have. That I could easily just wake up one day and not have... this. And you really need to stop laughing at me, you're gonna give me a complex," Kris pouts. He traces the little wrinkles that form around Adam's eyes and allows himself a small smile. "This is all crazy talk. I don't even -- I don't think I can even explain."
Adam nuzzles at his cheek. "Baby. I love you. And I want you, always. Every day, I choose you. I don't -- it's not even really a choice. I just wake up, and there you are. There we are," Adam says earnestly. "We have plans, babe. You're it for me."
"I know all that. I do, I swear," he insists at Adam's skeptical eyebrow. "But then sometimes I take a look around, and the world's so big, and even with our friends, you're -- you're you, everyone wants you, and why shouldn't they? And I just. I get, like, this itch. Like, it could be so easy --"
"You know I'm not just -- I have to want them back, and I don't --"
"Well I didn't say any of it made sense," Kris huffs and wrinkles his nose.
Adam smiles and kisses him, soft and quick. "I'm not gonna lie and say that I don't enjoy this possessive streak of yours," he leers. "I mean, feel free to mark me anytime. But babe, seriously. I have never even considered -- I don't even see any of that. It's all just you, in here," Adam says, pressing Kris's hand on his chest.
"I'm an idiot."
"My idiot."
"I just really really love you," Kris murmurs against his lips.
"Love you right back."
Kris squeezes his eyes shut and tries to breathe.
"You told me that first night -- do you remember? You told me I shouldn't be afraid. Not of this. And I haven't been, Kris."
"Really?" Kris whispers, feeling the vise in his chest loosen, suddenly warm and calm.
"Really. I'm not scared. So you shouldn't be either," Adam says firmly.
Kris meets his gaze, desperately wanting to make Adam understand. "I'm not scared, Adam. Not of you. Never you," he says, thumb stroking Adam's cheek. "My brain just runs away from me sometimes. I'm done now, I promise."
Adam quirks a smile at him, and it makes Kris ache. "It's okay. I'll always be here to remind you."
Kris has to kiss him for that. Adam kisses back, sweet and slow, and it feels like a promise.
"It's cute," Adam murmurs into his mouth a little later.
"Hmm?" Kris asks absently before tugging at Adam's upper lip.
"God," Adam sighs. "I love when you do that," he says before opening his mouth further.
"I know," Kris says as he does it again, teeth biting a little more sharply, relishing Adam's groan.
After a few moments, Adam pulls back. "Stop distracting me," he says, and then immediately contradicts it by slinging Kris's leg around his waist.
Kris smiles and kisses his neck instead. "I'm not."
Adam sighs and hitches himself closer, tilting his head a little. Kris obediently mouths at the underside of his chin. "I was saying something, and you were distracting me," he insists.
"Kissing was meant to be a quiet activity, babe. No talking," Kris whispers into Adam's shoulder, tonguing at the freckles there. There are hundreds of them, thousands, and Kris wants to touch each and every one. He can't think of a better way to spend the night.
"Uh huh," Adam whimpers as Kris moves down, closer and closer to his nipple. Before Kris can close his lips around it, Adam grips the back of his neck and tugs him upward, tongue dipping into his mouth. The kiss is somehow equal parts dirty and sweet, and Kris gasps into Adam's skin when they pull apart for air.
"You're cute when you're jealous," Adam says suddenly.
"I am not cute," Kris scowls, biting at Adam's ear.
"Yes you are. It's sweet," Adam coos while stroking down his back.
"That's so screwed up."
Adam laughs. "Little bit, yeah."
They lay together and just kiss for a long time after that, hands mapping soft skin, trying to get their fill of touching before separating for the night. Kris's heart feels like it's about to burst out of his chest, and he pours all of himself into Adam through kisses and tender bites, imprinting himself on his skin, willing himself to believe in him, in them together. Adam is full of reassurance, infinitely patient and indulgent, gracing him with his smile and twinkling eyes. Kris gazes into the bright blue, and he can't help but think, so this is what perfect happiness feels like.
They end up curled on their sides, Kris's back tight against Adam's chest, knees slotted together. Kris is about to doze off when he feels Adam bite at his shoulder. He sighs and pushes back. "Mmm."
"You like?"
"Mmhmmm. More please."
Adam chuckles and bites again, barely breaking skin; Kris inhales sharply at the prickle of pleasure-pain. "Didn't know you were kinky, babe," Adam murmurs as he soothingly tongues at the ring of teeth impressions.
"M'not," Kris slurs. "I just like to feel it, sometimes."
Kris feels Adam's grin against the back of his neck. "Silly."
"That, too."
Both of them tense up when Kris's phone alarm cuts through their content silence. Adam groans and squeezes him just a little too tight. "Oh my god, I hate this so much I could cry."
Kris sighs and turns over, pulling Adam into a wet, dirty kiss. "I know, baby. I'm sorry. There's not much time left, and then we'll have New York. Just think of that, okay?"
"I know, I know. Ugh come on, I don't want your mom to hate me," Adam says as he sits up and reaches for their clothes.
They're parked in front of Kris's house, leaning against the car. Kris sighs when Adam's hands slide down to tuck inside his back pockets, and he props his chin on Adam's chest.
"You love me," Kris says, loud and clear and sure in the dark quiet.
Adam smiles down at him, hazy, eyes full of affection. "I really, really do."
Kris tips his chin up for a kiss.
After a few moments -- "You love me," Adam says with a playful smile.
"I do," Kris says, his gaze steady and serious. "More than words can say."
breathe the joy