Ficathon: Burn Like Magnesium

May 29, 2012 21:40

Burn like Magnesium

Rating: Mature
Pairing: River/Eleventh Doctor
Words: 2700

Summary: The Doctor comes to break River out of the Stormcage and take her on an adventure. River has other ideas.

Notes: This is my submission for the River/Doctor Ficathon written for missvmarigold (merryghoul). Thanks so much to easytheretyger for the beta.

Prompt: Inspired by this: Read more... )

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Comments 13

mystmoon1 June 1 2012, 20:22:47 UTC
This is blazing hot and so, so, so in-character. I can SEE it just like it's on the TV. Brilliant!


clare009 June 2 2012, 00:57:57 UTC
Hee - can you imagine if they ever showed something like that on Doctor Who! The uproar! Thanks for your wonderful comment. *g*


lonewytch June 2 2012, 10:08:05 UTC
This is wonderful! It's so much fun, it's indecently hot, and you capture both of their character's just wonderfully. Great job!!!


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