“We must put on a good show, Mr. Spock”

Aug 15, 2010 21:08

Title: Golden Bells
Artist: philotic_net
Characters/Pairings: Spock/ Uhura
Rating: R
Warnings: sexual situation, nearly naked!Nyota
A/N: Happy birthday yalegirl03! Thank you so much for being the prolific trekwriter you are. Your stories are not only plausible scenarios, worthy of being actually TOS episodes, they are sexy hott. Keep up the good work! As a b-day gift, here is an illustration for Of Golden Bells and Serpent Gods -Specifically when Nyota leans in to say “We must put on a good show, Mr. Spock”. I took some liberties with the state of dress our heroes were in at that particular moment, but...I think it gets the point across. Enjoy!

ETA: LOL. I am such a photobucket pervert! Luckily deviant art has no such qualms :)

Golden Bells
by ~philotic-net on deviantART

rating: r, fan: art, .author: philotic_net

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