Title: If Tomorrow Never Comes Author: Kristen Elizabeth Rating: T Pairing: Spock/Uhura Chapter: Five Summary: An away mission ends in tragedy...or does it? Disclaimer: Characters contained within do not belong to me.
You know, I was just needing some good fic, and then magically there it was. So glad you posted another chapter. I'm really curious how the other members of the Grissom crew that became invisible died.
Thank you for posting I have been hoping for an update to this story but it only left me wanting to know more! I guess that is the sign of a great story. :o)
Comments 11
Isn't Klingon blood purple? I just watched The Undiscovered Country and I distinctly remember the blood droplets the Klingons being purple...
I loved this chapter. Especially Chekov's hope at the end. And Spock smells her! Clue, clue!
I'm really glad you liked the chapter, though!
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