Nope, not dead

Oct 02, 2011 19:08

Someday I'll be back. I got a Tumblr. Probably the stupidest thing I've ever done. I can't not spend hours and hours there. Hopefully soon I will tire of it somewhat.

Just finished a huge friends cut. I realized I had a lot of friends that: hadn't posted in forever, weren't into any of my fandoms anymore, were into fandoms I'm not interested in ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

epistolic October 3 2011, 05:17:21 UTC
Oh gosh, he is so lovely and gorgeous! Congratulations! I just want to snuggle him, but that sounds a little bit creepy so I shall refrain haha ♥


spock74 October 7 2011, 06:06:56 UTC
Nah, not creepy. And he's apparently absurdly strong for a newborn - lifts his head enough to turn it from side to side.


poziomeczka October 3 2011, 13:04:50 UTC
I love that grandparents everywhere hog babies like nobody's business. My mum didn't know what to do with me when I was born, she kept handing me over to folk but ooo when my brother's baby was born she wouldn't leave it alone for like 6 whole months XD



spock74 October 7 2011, 06:08:09 UTC
He really is. And he's already gaining weight after the post-birth loss. The doc says he's having a growth spurt. I tell you, he's a prodigy.


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