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Comments 49

veritas_st July 29 2009, 17:22:38 UTC

The people mainly. Ok so I love the show and the boys, they own a little bit of my soul, but the people in this fandom, apart from the wankers who set up at hate meme, the people are fantastic. Warm, welcoming, a little bit insane, eager to help.

And Mags, as you said, I have met some of the best people in the world in this fandom. I love it. And for that, I am gonig to hold it very close to my heart for ever!


dragon_fall July 30 2009, 22:39:42 UTC
this is completel random, but i an hypnotized by your icon


veritas_st July 31 2009, 08:01:07 UTC
Oh you're not the only one! I can't stop staring at it!


I love this fandom so much I have to express my glee through the power of macro kira_bouviea July 29 2009, 17:25:09 UTC

... )


Re: I love this fandom so much I have to express my glee through the power of macro ginzai July 29 2009, 17:28:11 UTC
Damn skippy, that's an awesome macro!


Re: I love this fandom so much I have to express my glee through the power of macro kira_bouviea July 29 2009, 19:01:12 UTC

Now, let's see, that icon is from S1 right, the one with the Monster Truck... or is that S2, I can never remember which season Cassie was introduced.


Re: I love this fandom so much I have to express my glee through the power of macro 9_of_clubs July 29 2009, 18:56:40 UTC
hehehhe awwww <3 ( except Cas is so not minor XD) But LOL this made me grin so hard!


ginzai July 29 2009, 17:27:33 UTC
*g* I think I might be unusual because the wank usually just makes me laugh. Sometimes it actually helps to inspire me to write more, because it can lead to interesting conversations and meta. And those in turn lead to new takes on different scenes and characterizations, and those can definitely inspire me to write. It's when people get wrapped up in insults and name calling, or when the disrespect for TPTB grow to uncomfortable heights that I grow weary of it all.

Let's see... I only got into SPN during the S4 winter hiatus. I'd not exactly been scared off before that point, but all I had heard about SPN was that incest ran rampant and RPS was a common trope to work with. Since RPS completely squicked me at the time and incest wasn't my kink, I mostly gave it a pass. Then I actually watched a few episodes and fell in love ( ... )


big_heart_june July 29 2009, 18:45:37 UTC
I AM STILL HERE TOO!! AND NOT PLANNING ON GOING ANYWHERE ANY TIME SOON EITHER!! and although certain parts of the fandom can seriously piss me off or make me really sad I LOOOOOOVE my flist and my little corner of fandom (which is mainly focussed on Dean/Cas ). I have met some BEAUTIFUL people too, you know who you are ladies *snogs you all*, and I could not imagine not having them in my life anymore ♥

I joined the fandom pretty late and blame Castiel and the Dean/Castiel chemistry entirely. I pretty much watched S 1-3 in one long go and was already completely hooked by the time DITW came around. The tight gorgeous brotherly bond, the chemistry between Sam and Dean, the dialogue and jokes and the insanely good looks of the boys is what did it for me. And Dean. DEAN. DEAN :P He is my obsession, I love him insanely...it is just pathetic :P However all of this did not draw me into the fandom, Lazarus Rising and a certain sexyass angel of the lord is what reeled me in. I was stunned and just couldn't believe the beauty of this man and ( ... )


big_heart_june July 29 2009, 18:48:58 UTC
Oh and mods ♥ please feel free to downsize my bigass pics as I have no clue how to do that....*is lame*


kira_bouviea July 29 2009, 19:04:24 UTC
*stares at the pretty pictures*

Dean/Castiel FTW!


big_heart_june July 30 2009, 11:09:17 UTC
*high fives you*


9_of_clubs July 29 2009, 18:50:59 UTC
What I love <3

The show - omg can I say enough about this show, no I cannot. I could talk for hours and hours and hours and still not have covered everything that I love. I love that it is more than just a teen drama. That there is depth and relationships and feeling involved. That even with kickass otherwordly creatures and supernatural experience that I can still relate. That I can still feel and understand everything they go through and that when I watch I am with them on this journey. That it connects me enough to cry when they cry and laugh when they smile. That every single time I go, it cannot possibly get better than this - it always does. The characters are amazing, the plots have meaning and I have never loved a show as much as this one. I also love that they listen when the fans tell them something because honestly this is so rare.

The Boys - all three of them (weeee 3 - we just keep getting more hotness)Do I even need to say how hot they are? Smoking. And all in different ways, with different personalities, both on the ( ... )


kira_bouviea July 29 2009, 19:05:48 UTC


c00kie July 29 2009, 19:44:17 UTC
Yes to everything here.


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