Monday Fun Day Rant Day!!!

Jun 15, 2009 07:38

So today we’re doing something a little different for our Rant Post. We’re doing an anonymous rant-fest where you can say anything you want about anything you want. Did you get a long-winded review from a first time reviewer telling you how you should change your story? Are you aggravated that you can’t get more people to leave you comments? Do ( Read more... )

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Comments 123

yasmine32068 June 15 2009, 12:58:16 UTC
I think that we'd covered some of this yesterday... But here we go!

One word comments... Now I love each and every comment. If you are like me then you cherish each of them but when they comment with.

Huh (That was a personal favorite)

Then I'm left wondering what was good, made them go WOW, OMG, and huh!

Then I have commentators that leave things like...

thank you so much for making me cry. you owe me a tissue. and maybe a hug. damnit. i'm a daddy's girl. you don't do this to a daddy's girl without warning. damnit.

From Our Father Who Art in Heaven

I know that I hit a nerve, touched someone in some way and I am left feeling buoyant!


yasmine32068 June 15 2009, 13:04:24 UTC
this is one of my pet peeves also, I like having constructive feedback, dont get me wrong I love that people care enough even for a wow, but if you know what you are doing right or wrong it gives you a much clearer idea of what to work on


yasmine32068 June 15 2009, 13:12:01 UTC
I don't mind the Good or Wow though I agree with you on the OMG or Huh. Because OMG or Huh can be considered good or bad. And if it's bad I'd like to know why so I can fix it.

But what really gets me going is when someone comments with something like "I didn't like ____." That's it, that's the comment. Why thank you so much Ms. Oh so helpful.

Don't get me wrong, I want to know if someone doesn't like something but I ask for constructive criticism for a reason and that's not constructive. Chances are if one person didn't like it (whatever it was) there are others, so it would be nice if it could be explained why they didn't like it so I can hopefully remember not to do it again/fix it/change it/ etc.

Okay I'm done now.


yasmine32068 June 15 2009, 13:39:24 UTC
I actually put someone on the spot once and asked for them to clarify what they meant... I think that I got lucky to have gotten a reply because I tend to drop a comment and move on, never to look back!


anonymous June 15 2009, 13:24:35 UTC
So there is this trend that I've noticed (and not just in the SPN fandom, but in all the fandoms I've been a part of), that explicit stories (of the het and slash variety) receive more comments than Gen or even Pre-slash or pre-romance het stories. Are we all just horndogs here, or is there some other reason? I'm not bashing pwp or porn (or any other explicit story), because I enjoy that type of story as much as the next person (excepting those people that don't actually enjoy that type of story), but I'm getting sick and tired of writing a (in my hopefully humble opinion) pretty interesting story and getting barely any feedback while a mediocre explicit story will get twice as much feedback! And I'm not just speaking for me here, it's happening all over the place, there will be this exquisite gen or pre-slash story and it won't get half as much feedback as a only marginally good explicit story. Credit where credit is due, however, there are some amazing explicit writers who either make the story just wonderful in it's own right, ( ... )


anonymous June 15 2009, 13:44:16 UTC
I write both explicit and non explicit / gen stories and get what you mean... That having been said I have also noticed that the same names pop up in the comments, which hey that's great but I had somone email me complaining about the LACK of porn in a story and saying that it wasn't what she expected...

Because I can write a sex scene doesn't mean that I always should or the story even contains sexual content!


anonymous June 15 2009, 14:29:20 UTC
0_o Dude, someone actually did that?!


anonymous June 15 2009, 13:58:48 UTC
Haven't you heard that the internet is for porn?

I think you have to consider who's reading in fandom. It's a lot high school and college aged people looking to get off. Horny people. They like and comment on what excites them, even if a story isn't that well written. Hey, as long as it pushes that button.

Even explicit writers who are also good writers don't get all of their comments because of their skill. It's the pairing too. In Supernatural it's Sam/Dean, Jared/Jensen. Try Sam/Andy and see how far you get.


anonymous June 15 2009, 13:39:30 UTC
I dislike it when a friend makes an insincere comment just because they're your LJ friend.

Them: "Loved it! Made my day! Didn't want it to end! EVAH!! You're my favorite author. I get so exctied when I see that you're posted a story. You're the best! This fic was so kinky! Will you marry me?

Me: "There was kink in this??? Anyway, did you like the part where "blah, blah, blah" because I worked really hard on that."

Them: IDK. I'll read it again when I'm not too busy fapping to the stories I really like and I'll let you know. LOL!

If you're not interested in my story, don't pretend that you liked it or even read it. Believe me, my self-esteem isn't dependent upon the acknowledgement of some random chick I've never met just because she liked something I wrote in the past. I don't appreciate being condescended too, and basically all that you're doing, is wasting my fucking time by making me read and respond to your bullshit.


anonymous June 15 2009, 13:46:48 UTC
LOL Man I feel so justified now!!! I'm NOT the only person that gets those!!!


anonymous June 15 2009, 16:21:33 UTC
I totally get what you're saying here and I usually avoid it, unless of course the story leaves me speechless *g*

But there are times, that when one of my friends writes something and then looks at the comments and sees that her friends have not commented and.... oh dear. I've seen everything from bitchiness to downright depression and desolation and lack of self whatever. This makes me sad :( But at the same time it makes me mad, cause maybe I don't want to read that particular story or I read it and it didn't touch me *sigh*

And sometimes I can't be as diplomatic as I want.


i_want_2 June 15 2009, 13:45:23 UTC
Where the hell is my story? I've done told you people a thousand times I want it, and I want it now! You've taken way too long....


You mean...Surely you're joking.

I what?

What's that you're saying?

I have to write it myself?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I'm not going to write this story. You wanted to read it, that means you have to write it.



&@#$@ it.


i_want_2 June 15 2009, 18:36:37 UTC
Anon feels guilty, because she actually does ow you a story. If it's any consolation you'll get it soonish.


i_want_2 June 15 2009, 21:04:30 UTC
I get so frustrated that I get people interest in works and then I can't deliver them at a satisfactory pace.


anonymous June 15 2009, 13:49:53 UTC
I really hate being so talentless. I read all these fantastic storys and I think, what the hell is wrong with me! I get about a billion and one idea's but when it comes time to write them up I don't have a clue how to do it. I also know my SPN charters very well but can I write them, hell no! I have problems writing Dean and Castiel, their a pain even thou I love them so much. I get into writing a conversation between the two and I know where I want it to go and then nothing, blank, arughh! what is wrong with me!


anonymous June 15 2009, 15:30:50 UTC
I'm right there with you on this one. I feel like I'm awful at dialogue and can't really capture the characters like I want. And even if I am able to get a story out, I'll read over it afterwards and just get frustrated and delete it because I can't ever seem to get it out the way I'm picturing it in my head or with the same eloquence that other authors have.


anonymous June 15 2009, 18:11:02 UTC
I could have written this!

If I could get a neural interface so that what I imagine in my head actually makes it onto paper (well screen lol!) I would write amazing dialogue, but something happens between my brain and my fingers and it all goes to pot, comes across as stilted and so unnatural.


anonymous June 15 2009, 18:38:46 UTC
dito sweetie, happens to me all the time. I just keep telling myself to practice, practice, practice, but still, you want to be able to get that story out sooner rather than later....


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