Temporary beta reader needed.

Jun 09, 2009 13:06

Hi Everyone!

My super duper lovely buddy/beta whoaluke is currently unavailable for beta duty and I need someone to fill in for her until she comes back.

I just have two things that need to be looked over for grammar, characterization and continuity. If someone would be willing to help out, I'd be most appreciative.



beta needed

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Comments 2

jayfray18 June 9 2009, 19:45:42 UTC
More than willing m'dear.

PM me if you want.

Just know that I'm sharing a computer with my hubby at the moment (the internet connection on my laptop is caputed and I'm waiting on new bits!) so I may not get back to you straight away.

If it's something you need read through quickly I may not be your best bet but if you can wait a little bit I have a whole evening tomorrow as he's out lol!!

(I won't be offended if you get a better offer :P)


thevinegarworks June 9 2009, 21:05:08 UTC
Oy! I'm down for beta-ing anytime. :)

I'm a terrible grammar Nazi, though, I have to warn you. It's kind of a good thing, since it guarantees you won't have many mistake, but then again it also means I'm ridiculously picky. Heh.

Anyway, since I don't have school OR work right now, I have all the time in the world to help you out. If you're down, I'm down, but I won't get all butthurt if you pick somebody else. ;D


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