Two Deleted Dean/Cas AUs -- Possible PDF/ebook format???

Dec 04, 2012 18:14

I accidentally posted a comment in the deleted authors post, so I apologize to the mods--hope I'm not being too obnoxious!

Anyway, I was hoping to read two fics that were recced to me from a year ago (I never got around to them :(), but when I went to their links, I couldn't find them! And then I tried googling them but to no avail so I thought I'd make a last ditch effort here.

The two stories are:

"Secret Diary of a Call Boy" by livetoconfuzzle (livejournal still active, no posts?)
"For the Right Reasons" by hereare_mysins (livejournal deleted and purged).

The first story is based off of a TV show called "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" and Dean and Cas are in an established relationship.

The second story has Dean as a mechanic and Cas is a teacher (middle school, I think).

Any help would be much appreciated!

Much obliged :).

genre: romance, crossover, !deleted-journal/story, genre: au, pairing: dean/castiel, !e-book/pdf

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