Emotionally hurt Dean

Dec 28, 2011 00:10


I'm having a crazy craving for hurt!Dean fic, but not the "oh no I tripped and broke my leg" kind, more like the "and now we delve into Dean's previous messed up emotional trauma and whump him some more kind"! (Yes I know, I'm a disturbed individual...)

One request though, I want the REALLY bad stuff, like the stuff that made you cry so hard you couldn't see the computer screen through your tears, or that made your stomach and/or heart hurt, or that was so awful you had to stop reading and look at fuzzy kittens before you could keep reading. I particularly like betrayal, abuse, emotional trauma, neglect, guilt, abandonment issues, you know all that good stuff :) . Oh, I almost forgot, NO death, I can't take just about everything but that is just beyond the pale...

EDIT: I HAVE read The Bright Lights of Disturbia as well as just about everything else by leonidaslion :)

Examples of the kinds of fics I'm looking for
Sins of the Innocent by reapertownusa
Broken Boy Soldier"
Images of Broken Light by ameresu
Steadfast by rivkat
The Wellington Fort by Rafikiven

affliction: hurt!dean, affliction: crying, warning: abused!dean (sexual), warning: eating disorder, warning: abused!dean (mental), affliction: hospitalized!dean, warning: homophobia, genre: angst, affliction: ptsd, warning: dub-con, warning: non-con, genre: dark!fic, warning: abused!dean (physical), warning: infidelity, genre: hurt/comfort, affliction: fighting!boys, warning: abused!dean (emotional), character: dean, attribute: guilty!boys

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