Chat: Genderswap/Genderfuck

Apr 16, 2007 22:37

I don't know if it's my imagination or not, but genderswap seems like a big thing in the Supernatural fandom, even more than in other magical/supernatural fandoms. Which I give thumbs up - I'm an unabashed fan of girl!Dean and girl!Sam.

But what's the appeal in general? Why do we like playing with gender in this way? And why does it almost always seem to be male to female (as far as I know - correct me if I'm wrong)? Is it a desire to create het pairings or femmeslash pairings from slash pairings? Is it the sheer masculinity of the leads (feel free to discuss this in detail - illustrate if you want *g*) that makes the transformation particularly amusing and/or appealing? Or is it something else altogether? Has John Winchester ever been transformed to Joan? And if not, why not? Equal opportunity genderswap I say!!

As ever, chat among yourselves - do jump into threads and chat with each other!


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