A while back, I polled asking for suggestions as to what you'd like to see here. One of the suggestions, by
innie_darling, a Book Club, was particularly appealing, so we're trialling it for a month or two, to see how it goes.
The basic plan is that we'll be posting a story link the first week in the month, and the following week we'll have a discussion about the story. That gives you a few days to read or reread it, mull over it. We're starting with a Dean/Sam story, but I plan on picking different genres (gen, het, slash, rpf etc) so nobody will be left out. There'll be full details on the actual Book Club post (and a few very firm rules to ensure it's enjoyable) but for now, here's your link to the first Book Club story.
Leader of the Pack by
astolat [ Dean/Sam, adult, 14,904 words]
What'd I'd really like is for some of you to come back to this post after you've read the story and leave some comments on it, whether it's a thought about characterisation, analysis of an aspect of the plot, questions the story might have raised about the Supernatural world, or anything else related to the story, one sentence or an essay! I'll then use some of these in next week's Book Club post as starting points for discussion.
Comments on this post will be screened (though I'll unscreen any questions or the like).