October Vid Round up

Oct 30, 2012 19:46

Hi! Welcome to the October vid round up.

The Salute to Supernatural Chicago Con has been happening and some great vids have sprung up:

Check out all_spn for a great variety of streaming vids . Also the fabulous SuperWiki has a list of vids available here (and all sorts of other info!).

agt_spooky has the J2 breakfast available for download here <33

There have been some gorgeous vids posted this month.

Two vids dealing with the beginning of Season 8:

Did You Look For Me? by bevwa (lockedinabathroom on YT). A wonderful use of voice over and visuals.

Of Heroes and Cowards by Mulk Entertainment. This is a kind of "fix-it" vid. It fills in the "possible" blanks for Sam's situation. A nice use of external audio.

Two vids wonderful Dean vids:

Blood of a Broken Man by secretlytodream (just amazing!)

Don't You Worry Child by bevwa (Beverly Dawn - formerly lockedinabathroom on YT). (waaaa... this will make you cry).

Also check out these great vids:

Pine Boxes by secretlytodream Terrific episodic vid of It's a Terrible Life.

On the Road by colls A great snap shot of Sam and Dean on the road.

If you know of any other vid happenings please feel free to link in the comments. :)


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