First Taste (Jared/Misha, NC-17), by
Misha's observant, and Jared's willing to play along.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh holy shit. This is epic. Words With Friends is, once again, to blame for bets lost and ill-gotten gains, in this case resulting in the hottest edging scene I've read in a very long time. The little details in the author's writing and her skill with dialogue really caught me up in this fic even before it got to the blazingly hot porn parts, which are, indeed, blazingly hot. Featuring lots of Jared's hair, legs, wrists and general gorgeousness, tangled up with devious!Misha and possibly an undercurrent of ~feelings just to make it sweeter. I love the hell out of this fic.
This Is All Very Meta (Sam/Dean, NC-17), by
Dean didn't get there first. That's okay; hell, that's the way he wanted it. He never even cared-until he stumbled over some stupid freaking fanfic about him taking Sam's virginity. Now he can't get it out of his head.
While I was reading this fic, I couldn't help but wonder why there weren't a zillion versions of this scenario; but reading it in
road_rhythm's pitch-perfect words made me also very very glad that this is the first version of it I've ever read. This is partly a lovesong to Sam and Dean's relationship -- never forgetting the all-important brothers part -- and partly a loving laugh at fandom from the inside. I adored it.
The Secret Diary of Lucifer (Gen, PG-13), by Hella.
Life should have been glamorous, villainous, and triumphant. The continued journeys of Lucifer, documented so that he might look back on his life and...bemoan his skin condition, waistline and staggering unpopularity.
The 'Very Secret Diaries' format never gets old, except when it's, y'know -- done badly. This is most definitely not done badly. I went on a search for Lucifer fic following his recent reappearance in canon, and found this. I don't know what to say about this fic except that I love this version of the Morningstar and I pretty much laughed throughout. Made of win (she said articulately).