First off, I want to thank
britomart_is for asking me to do this. I'm very excited (I love talking about writing and characters and plotty things) and also thankful we could work things around our schedules.
Hi! I'm
dugindeep, and as a little bit of background on me: I started writing fanfic in college during the heyday of the Backstreet Boys. It wasn't very good, and
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Comments 39
I promise I'm not keeping track or anything. :)
LOL, I kid.
I have three WIPs that I haven't touched in A VERY LONG TIME that are both very intriguing to me and I would like to finish sometime. Ghost Adventures, Man vs. Food, and an extremely porny, aggressive thing wherein J2 are porn stars who do naked wrestling. I may have seen it somewhere (hi internet) and got this idea of them being rivals and messing around in between bouts. It's ... kind of off the map for me, but I'd like to someday figure it out.
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2. A few for different reasons - In This Windy City is the longest thing I've written and is based on my adoration for Chicago and cops and law stories. This Long Silence took a lot of work and I tried to write a little differently than I normally do. And Finding Out the Ways of This World has bits of me in it (well, in Jensen lol) and I like that this idea hatched from a song and just flowed.
3. Have you SEEN the man's sideburns? It's not hard to ignore his face when those things are always trying to attack it. PLUS Jensen has a lovely back, and shoulders, and bowlegs, and hair, and eyes, and lips, and ... everything :D
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2. It has been a VERY busy BB season!
3. I won't admit to anything in writing :-P
2) Do you listen to music while writing? Do you find it helpful or distracting? And related to the first question; do you make playlists of songs to listen to?
2. A lot of times, I run Pandora and choose certain stations for the feel of the fic. I've only ever done a soundtrack for copfic, because it was so long and I had songs that I felt really for the story because of the sound and lyrics.
What was the difficulties of adapting a book's setting for your story? The easy parts?
And and and, what is your stance on cliches/tropes in writing? Do you utilise them (either seriously or for crack)? Or avoid at all costs?
Thank you for these awesome questions!
A difficulty at first was establishing that world and Jared's personality before and after as he started to watch more media. A few of the scenes were clear in my head (like that first freak out and kiss in the basement) so those parts felt very easy to write.
I think some fics definitely deserve cliches (I'm working a few into my meanttobe fic because it feels like it should be romcomish). But on the whole, I try to consider different ways to do love/coming-together stories.
What was the most difficult fic for you to write? Why? Do you play a scene out in your head first or just write and see what happens?
Good questions!
1. Finding Out the Ways of This World was emotionally exhausting because Jensen is SO down on himself, plus there are things about him that are from me a few years ago, and the relationship he starts with Jared is a lot like one I had ... so, it was close to me and I care a lot about portraying those characters in certain ways.
2. A lot of times, certain pieces of scenes - a few lines of dialogue, tone, a look - are very clear in my head and then I work to flesh everything else around it (leading up to or how the characters react to it).
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