nut up or shut up! [aka zombie fic recs!]

Dec 12, 2010 02:45

Because this is the Supernatural fandom, we need some epic zombie fics, right? Right! Given the obsession with the so-called "walking dead" since 1932 when the first ever zombie movie - titled White Zombie and starring Bela Lugosi - was released, a show dealing with all kinds of dead and undead crap has to have zombies at some point, right?

Apparently we can't get enough, because I have some epic fics for y'all featuring our favorite kind of undead creatures.

title: Apocalypse Z
author: baylorsr
rating: PG-13
pairing: None [Gen]
summary: Brian Williams was gravely saying, “Remember, once a person has been bitten, they must be shot in the head before they die and reanimate.” Of all the ways he’d imagined the world ending, this one had never entered Sam’s mind. It’s the zombie apocalypse, and Sam, Dean and Castiel are just trying to get to Bobby’s in one piece. And not undead.
link: Click it!

This is definitely an original one. The zombies come out of NOWHERE and no one knows why it started, when it started, or who started it. Just plain EPIC.

title: Last One Out Hits The Lights
author: entangled_now
rating: NC-17
pairing: Dean/Castiel
summary: After they stop a plot to tear open a hole straight to hell, the Winchesters face more trouble when zombies start rising from their graves across the country. Bobby calls all hands on deck and Sam and Dean, along with an angel, a mess of out-numbered hunters, and a very reluctant prophet of the Lord, have to try and save the world. Or go down in flames with it.
link: Click it!

Another epic zombie fic, with lots of badassery all around! I'm not much of a Dean/Cas reader but this one was too good to pass up!

title: time is its only measure
author: kellifer_fic
rating: Adult
pairing: Sam/Matt Farrell
summary: SPN/Die Hard 4 Crossover. "...and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them."

They walk out of necessity, most of the arterial roads clogged with cars, trucks and bodies. They'd started out in the Impala but there were times when they'd lose hours and sometimes days trying to find a clear path and it exposed them too much to be out of the car, moving others out of their way. Plus, you never knew when a zombie would be camped out in the back of a sedan you just wanted to push off a bridge.
link: Click it!

It's an unusual pairing and while it's a standalone, Kellifer does have other Sam/Matt fics that fit in the same 'verse, pre-zombies. I'm a little biased because I shamelessly begged for long crossover epic with zombies from her, and she ended up writing it! While knowledge of Matt Farrel and John McClane are definitely helpful for reading this fic, it's not necessary because of how AWESOME it is on its own. Great characterization, lots of boys being badass, lots of fun!

title: Fading Silhouettes
author: indysaur
rating: PG-13
pairing: Jared/Jensen
summary: [none given] Basically Jared&Jensen + zombies = good times had by all.
link: Click it!

This is definitely a more original premise, because usually it's the experienced Sam and Dean takin' on the zombies, not the guys who play them on TV! This is very well done, lots of great original characters added in, and Jared and Jensen are so well written and awesome. If it wasn't online, I'd call this a real page-turner.

So there you go, folks! A few long, epic zombie-apocalypse-centered fics to keep you busy. Remember if you read, please leave the authors some love; they all deserve it!

P.S. If I've messed anything up, please let me know, it's almost 3AM and I'm in finals mode!

rec: rps, rec: crossover, rec: nc-17, rec: pg-13, rec: gen, rec: dean/castiel, rec: slash

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