Hi - thanks for volunteering! Would you be up for writing this workshop for next month? I'm currently doing the schedule for May, and have penciled in the workshop for anytime between Weds 26th - Sun 30th May, if that'd suit you.
I'd love to, but unfortunately will be out of town and away from computers from May 25-June 5. I could do it before then, if you would like, but not during.
I'm doing the picture post next month, and that's provisionally scheduled for Tues 18th - Thurs 20th, so I could swap and give you those dates for the workshop, and do the picture post at the end of the month. Would that be okay? *crosses fingers*
Brilliant timing - I'm just sorting next month's schedule. How do you fancy doing it in September? I have the workshop provisionally scheduled for Sun 26th - Tues 28th, though I could always jiggle things around if the month works but those dates don't.
Comments 34
Email address: roque.clasique@gmail.com
Topics you'd like to write: Hurt/Comfort
Months you'd be available: Any month :)
Email address: iheartmccoy@gmail.com
Topic(s) you'd like to write: Plot Structure
Months you'd be available: Any
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