
Jan 31, 2015 23:28

AKA 2015's First Amnesty Challenge!

Sorry for the wait for this.  But I got a fair response to my little poll about participating in the Amnesty Challenge Games, so here we go again.  Prize for participation is 20 Bonus points toward Round 3, and maybe a nifty banner or such.  Mods will get back to you on that.  Now, what's the challenge?  Well...

Take a pair of SPN characters--everyone from the character list is available, so feel free to get creative--and recast them in a situation from another movie/tv show/etc.  Or, just have them in a similiar situation and have them aware that it is painfully close to what happened in said movie/tv show/ etc.  Confusing?  Well, here are some examples:

Sam and Dean end up fighting Loki and his army in efforts to save New York (a la The Avengers Movie)

Castiel and Dean finds themselves pitted against The First Evil and can't help but make comparisons to this one show about a blonde vampire slayer (a la Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

...and so on. All fandoms are up for grabs.  If it exists as a fandom, you can use it to recast/rehash.  If you need a written example, I suggest one of my fellow mod's stories, This Happened in an Episode of Buffy.  Due date for this challenge will be Friday, February 20th.  And remember, pairings don't have to be romantic, friendship and buddy fics totally count.  And you don't have to recast an episode/movie/etc. word for word, get creative!  Fic and art are both acceptable for this challenge.  We look forward to seeing the results.  Have fun!

(P.S. With this post, we'll be adding the necessary tags for the amnesty round.)

amnestychallengeone15, ~mod post, amnestyround2015

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