Claims are now closed!

May 05, 2015 19:54

Wow thank you everyone who signed up! We've got a crack team of talent for such a niche comm! Thanks again to amberdreams, chomaisky, and badbastion for the banner art, and to tebtosca and cherie_morte for their tireless efforts/diplomacy/bad influence :D

Aida: cassiopeia7 (art)
Billy Budd: tipsy-kitty (fic)
Bluebeard's Castle: sophiap (fic and art)
Der Freischutz: smalltrolven (fic)
Die Rosenkavalier: locknkey (fic and art)
Don Carlo: sleepypercy (fic)
Don Giovanni: saltandburnboys (fic)
Elektra: frozen_delight (fic)
Elixer of Love: deirdre_c (fic)
Eugene Onegin: thursdaysisters (fic)
Faust: cherie_morte (fic), amberdreams (art)
Giulio Cesare: souslelys (fic)
La Sonnambula: brutti_ma_buoni (fic)
Lady MacBeth of Mtsensk: yohkobennington (fic)
Lohengrin: gatorgurl94 (fic)
Lucia di Lammermoor: tebtosca (fic), quickreaver (art)
Lulu: riyku (fic)
Magic Flute: cheerystars (fic)
Makropolous Case: indiachick (fic)
Norma: marciaelena (fic)
Orfeo: electricalgwen (fic)
Rake's Progress: ephermeralk (fic), amberdreams (art)
Salome: elwarre (fic), alethiometry (art)
Samson and Delilah: amypond45 (fic)
Thais: elwarre (fic)

Posting begins July 31st and runs through the month of August. Til then:

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