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mpregbigbang is
in need of artists! New Communities
cries_so_pretty Fanfic: Sam/Dean
Am I Your Lover Or Your Brother? by
alexisk11 (Nc-17)
Sure Got a Dirty Mouth Chapter 35: Salt and Burn Club by
justinedelarge (R)
Done With Normal by
tifaching (PG-13)
Western Rising, 17/? by
reading_is_in (Nc-17)
Together 10/13 by
fanspired (Nc-17)
All Things Can Tempt Me by
narcisisticniny (Nc-17)
Fanfic: Other Slash
Obligatory Mistletoe Fluff by
bone_lotus (Dean/Castiel, PG)
TSOII: The Unbroken Ones 12/? by
miss_annthropic (Dean/Castiel, R)
Christmas Magic by
micamonroe (Dean/Castiel, Nc-17)
An Invitation by
csi_sanders1129 (Dean/Castiel, PG-13)
A Love Full of Landmines by
wallmakerrelict (Dean/Castiel, Nc-17)
Fanfic: Gen
Conquering Christmas Mountain by
ficwriter1966 (G)
The Long Con Ch.3 by
clown_or_midget (PG-13)
Uncle Bobby's little man by
jensensdream (PG-13)
Fanfic: Het
Vent by
earzwideopen (Dean/OFC, R)
Fanfic: Other
2 Hunters and an ex-blood junkie by
lollie_girl (Girl!Dean/Benny, R)
Fanfic: RPF
Pack Law 5/? by
fedaykin_here (Jared/Jensen, Nc-17)
Hope of Innocents (8/8) by
disneymagics (Jared/Jensen, PG-13)
We Can’t… by
annie46 (Jared/Jensen, Nc-17)
Half a life 3/? by
dahlia94 (Jared/Jensen, PG-13)
I Found My Serenity by
norahy (Jared/Jensen, R)
One Gives The Other Flowers at
j2_recs Tuesday - Real Person Fiction at
crack_impala Fanart
7 new crossover gifs by
secretos Miscellaneous
Comm Summary to Monday, December 17, 2012 at
all_spn November and December Podfic Roundup! by
applegeuse at