CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // UNDERAGE Prompts Post // July 1-15

Jul 01, 2013 02:50

This post is for ANY AND ALL UNDERAGE PROMPTS. This means any pairing where one or both persons are under the age of 18.
They can not be aged up or mentioned in passing. Use OCs or someone else to fill the void.


prompt post, underage prompt post

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Request: Dean/John, maybe Dean/Sam/John- a/b/o, dubcon, mpreg, birth control sabotage, knotting, AU anonymous July 2 2013, 01:04:00 UTC
I once read this great story where John ended up killing Azazel, rather than selling his soul to him. Afterwards, he and Dean settle down together. Dean becomes John's Omega and they raise a new family together. Sam gets to go off to college with John's blessing and everyone has a happy ending. I think it was called 'Empty Nest' maybe ( ... )


FILLED: "A Change of Pace" Dean/Sam/John- a/b/o, dubcon, mpreg, knotting, AU authocracy July 5 2013, 01:19:31 UTC
This was perhaps more direct and less "sneaky" than you were looking for from Sam and John, but I figured I'd post it anyway. Hope somebody gives you a fill closer to your original prompt! :)


Dean winces at the tone, turning to face his dad and brother. The color drains from his face when he sees that Sam's holding his stash of birth control pills. They both have that matching "I'm-not-angry-I'm-disappointed" expression on, and it's funnier to see it in little twelve-year-old Sammy than it is on John. "How long have you had these?" Sam demands.

"I dunno," Dean snarks. "How long have you been snooping in my stuff?"

"Dean!" John barks. "Behave for your brother."

"These things are dangerous, Dean, especially Omegas who haven't bred yet," Sam continues--and oh, shit. He's not just angry--he's hurt, sad puppy eyes turned full-force on Dean. "They're black-market for a reason ( ... )


FILLED: "A Change of Pace" Dean/Sam/John- a/b/o, dubcon, mpreg, knotting, AU 2/? authocracy July 5 2013, 01:22:25 UTC
They tie for about ten minutes, and then Sam's able to pull out, tying the condom and rolling off of Dean. He's winded, sleepy after coming, and Dean folds him into his arms, kissing the top of his head ( ... )


FILLED: "A Change of Pace" Dean/Sam/John- a/b/o, dubcon, mpreg, knotting, AU 3/? authocracy July 5 2013, 01:24:15 UTC
Dean, for all his protesting, takes to his new role like a fish to water. He makes friends with a woman who owns the local grocery store, and she ends up giving him cooking lessons while Sam's at school and John's minding the store. He's happy, relaxed, and the first time he packs Sam a homemade lunch to take to school, Sam throws his arms around him and nearly tackles him in a tight hug. "Thank you," he whispers fiercely, and Dean beams, kissing his forehead and sending him out the door ( ... )


FILLED: "A Change of Pace" Dean/Sam/John- a/b/o, dubcon, mpreg, knotting, AU 4/5 authocracy July 5 2013, 01:26:32 UTC
Dean leans his head onto John's shoulder as the girls drink, sighing contentedly. John snakes an arm around his waist, tugging him in close, and he goes easily ( ... )


FILLED: "A Change of Pace" Dean/Sam/John- a/b/o, dubcon, mpreg, knotting, AU 5/5 authocracy July 5 2013, 01:27:07 UTC
Dean wails, and Sam strokes a hand under Dean, soothing him. "Knot's coming, Dean," he says. "Knot me back, Dean, tie us up, let me breed you, good bitch, good boy ( ... )


Tagged! authocracy July 5 2013, 01:31:41 UTC


Re: FILLED: "A Change of Pace" Dean/Sam/John- a/b/o, dubcon, mpreg, knotting, AU 5/5 anonymous July 7 2013, 08:43:14 UTC
*happy sigh* this is just perfect.


Re: FILLED: "A Change of Pace" Dean/Sam/John- a/b/o, dubcon, mpreg, knotting, AU anonymous July 5 2013, 06:04:14 UTC
OP here. No, this was perfect! I love stern and disapproving Sam taking away Dean's birth control pills. And both John and Sam gently but firmly showing Dean his pproper place (on their knot, of course). And Sammy picking out a pretty green collar for Dean. I just love it all. you hit just about everything I could have wanted or needed from this prompt.


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