!!!-CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS-!!! Real Person Prompt Post // July 1st - July 15th

Jul 01, 2012 19:10

This is a post for any REAL PERSON PROMPTS. All prompts with pairings of people under the age of 18 should be posted to the underage section. Mentions of real life people under the age of 18 is not allowed.

A few reminders:
1. Use your subject lines! Please start with either REQUEST or FILLED also please list the pairing and kinks.
2. Please come up ( Read more... )

other rp prompt post, j2 prompt post, real people prompting post

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J2, Jared with child anonymous July 1 2012, 19:18:27 UTC
*up to filler if mpreg or not*

You've heard the quote "Anyone can be a father, but it takes a man to be a daddy." Well, now, Jared and Jensen have to practice what they've been taught.

If mpreg...Jared finds out he's pregnant at the most inopportune time. He now has to tell Jensen, and he's afraid of how Jensen will react. Will Jensen step up to the plate?

If not mpreg...Jared is given custody of his best friend's infant daughter after she lost her battle with cancer. (She was a single parent, used Jared sperm so that she could have a child before she died.) Jared and Jensen's relationship is still a bit new, so how will Jensen react to the news of Jared having a daughter? (up to filler if Jared ever told Jensen about donating his sperm to his best friend)


Re: J2, Jared with child thisweshallsee July 2 2012, 02:28:53 UTC
So seconds


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