Well, I think our first week was a resounding success! 56/50, goal made, and I haven't even made any recs myself. Now I just have to sort through it all, which will be both a pain and a pleasure, I can tell already.
Without further ado, I now introduce...
Weekly rec themes! For each submission post, there will be some kind of suggested theme. Recs that don't match the theme will be accepted, of course, but hopefully this will give you guys some ideas and jog some memories.
Jared had a birthday recently, and Sam has had kind of a rough go of it in the past year, in both the show and the fandom. So this week, let's Celebrate Sammy.
When you think of Sam Winchester in fanfic (or fanart or fanvids or fanmixes or picspams or...), what stands out in your mind? What fanwork can you think of that displays our beloved Sam at his most glorious, or his most screwed up? What story gave you insight into his character, what simple pencil sketch made you realize that he was beautiful? Anything and everything you can think of, we want to hear about.
Remember, this is a gen community, so no focus on romantic relationships. It's perfectly acceptable to acknowledge Sam/Jess or Sam/Madison or Sam/that one doctor from "Sex & Violence" or even Sam/OC, but the recced fanwork should focus on something else. No explicit sex, no angsting about romantic feelings, not even in a subplot. Thank you muchly. For further info on what constitutes gen 'round these here parts,
consult the Oracle.
Fic, vids, art, meta, graphics, crossovers, AUs, WIPs, angst, hurt/comfort, action/adventure, drama, wee!chester, episode-related, pre-series, casefile, humor, crack, schmoop, long fics, short fics, snippet, drabble, vignette... All are equally welcome here. Make as many recs as you want, in one comment or several. The only thing that's frowned on is self-reccing. Show your favorite fic writer (or artist, or vidder, or picspammer, or music compiler, or...) some love. Mods reserve the right to edit recs as necessary--for spelling/grammar, adding caveats, that sort of thing.
Please use the following format. It makes things a lot easier for the mods.
Rec Category: (E.g., fic, vid, art, icon post, weechester/preseries, humor, hurt/comfort, casefile, episode-related, crossover, au, futurefic--basically, anything you think will help us sort it all into a list. The more the better.)
Title: (Untitled also works.)
Author/Artist: (Whichever applies.)
Rating: (There shouldn't be anything NC-17 here, since we're not doing explicit sex, but anything else goes.)
Length/Word Count: (I.e., exact word count if provided by the author or your best guess--long, short, ficlet, drabble. Can leave blank for art/icon posts.)
Warnings/Spoilers: (As much as is reasonable, but especially mention anything that might be triggery.)
Summary: (If applicable.)
Reccer's Comments: (Why is this work so worthy of gen love?)
Reccer's Caveats: (E.g., "Dean hooks up with a waitress" or "this fic is marked as Dean/Castiel pre-slash, but it reads as gen to me" or "Sam/Dean if you squint really hard" or "some iffy grammar and spelling in places, but I enjoyed it anyway". Can leave blank if it doesn't apply)
Link to the Good Stuff: (Otherwise how can we post it? D:)
Handy-dandy copypasta! Easy to use--just click in the text box below, ctrl-a + crtl-c to copy, then click "leave a comment", ctrl-v, and it's all right there! (Or, for you weirdo Mac users, apple-a, etc.)
Copy-pasting this format into the comments will preserve the html coding so the mods don't have to redo it. Before you post your comment, just delete that space in the final textarea tag. Thank you very much!