Here's the plan:
You guys submit recs. One week from this posting, this submission post will be closed, and I or another mod (any volunteers?) will sort them into themed lists, if possible. Every day, beginning the day after a week from this post (woo, getting dizzy), an SPN Gen Love mod will post an unlocked rec list to be enjoyed by all. Another submission post will also be available for the next round of recs. Get it? Good! This is going to be fun, y'all.
For the purposes of this community, gen is defined as stories, art, vids, fanmixes or anything else you can think of that do not focus on a romantic relationship. Such a relationship can be mentioned in passing, (e.g., mention of offscreen Dean/OMC or past Sam/Jess), but it shouldn't be a big part of the fanwork, and we prefer no explicit sex. You can also rec works that are marked as having a pairing but you think can be appreciated by gen lovers, too. If you're a little unclear on what is and isn't allowed, please
consult the oracle. Self-reccing is discouraged.
No RPS here, please. This is a Supernatural community
Anyone can comment here to submit fanworks, and comments are screened so it will all be a BIG SURPRISE when the recs start posting. Make as many recs as you want, whether in the same comment or different comments as you discover/remember them. Contributors will be acknowledged in the rec posts. We are all about the love, and reccing is valuable and deserves love too. ♥ ♥ ♥
Please include this information in your rec:
Rec Category: (E.g., fic, vid, art, icon post, weechester/preseries, humor, hurt/comfort, casefile, episode-related, crossover, au, futurefic--basically, anything you think will help us sort it all into a list.)
Title: (Untitled also works.)
Author/Artist: (Whichever applies.)
Rating: (There shouldn't be anything NC-17 here, since we're not doing explicit sex, but anything else goes.)
Length/Word Count: (I.e., exact word count if provided by the author or your best guess--long, short, ficlet, drabble. Can leave blank for art/icon posts.)
Warnings/Spoilers: (As much as is reasonable, but especially mention anything that might be triggery.)
Summary: (If applicable.)
Reccer's Comments: (Why is this work so worthy of gen love?)
Reccer's Caveats: (E.g., "Dean hooks up with a waitress" or "this fic is marked as Dean/Castiel pre-slash, but it reads as gen to me" or "Sam/Dean if you squint really hard" or "some iffy grammar and spelling in places, but I enjoyed it anyway". Can leave blank if it doesn't apply)
Link to the Good Stuff: (Otherwise how can we post it? D:)
Handy-dandy copypasta:
Rec Category:
Length/Word Count:
Reccer's Comments:
Reccer's Caveats:
Link to the Good Stuff:
Don't worry about the coding. The mods will have to redo it later anyway. ::grumblesigh::
Thanks, everyone! Let's get this comm off to an awesome start, yeah? PIMP EVERYWHERE.
I think a good goal for this would be 50 recs to start the comm off with. Current progress: 56/50.