SPN: Awkward Growth Spurt, by Moonshayde

Sep 05, 2008 00:08

Title: Awkward Growth Spurt
Author: moonshayde
Season: Pre-series/Teen!chester Fic
Category: Light Drama
Characters: Sam, Dean, John
Summary: Dean gets stuck in a hairy situation.
Word Count: 1297
Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Supernatural and its characters are the property of Eric Kripke and co. No profit here.

The change happened so fast that Sam barely had any time to react. )

potions and amulets

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Comments 7

elless18 September 5 2008, 04:35:19 UTC

Hee! Poor Dean! This line made me laugh so hard: "I'm freakin' Teen Wolf without the teeth or the cool chicks." Teen Wolf FTW!!!


moonshayde September 5 2008, 12:39:36 UTC
Thanks! And yay Teen Wolf! Such a guilty pleasure for me ;)


spankulert September 5 2008, 12:12:30 UTC
hehe funny stuff! Now I'm wondering what a fluffy Dean looks like ;)


moonshayde September 5 2008, 12:41:27 UTC
Hee. Thanks for reading. I appreciate it :)


frozeneyes September 6 2008, 11:19:33 UTC
Aww that was cute. :p Poor Dean heehee. :P Nice work!


moonshayde September 6 2008, 13:41:28 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

moonshayde September 8 2008, 10:26:42 UTC
*grins* Thanks!


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