Episode Prompt 3x01

Oct 05, 2007 19:52

The Visual Story at a Glance: “The Magnificent Seven” (3x01)

These weekly episode prompts are our spin on the traditional meta by examining how the characters’ journey and plot are visually reflected in the show. The idea is to generate a visual summary for each episode, something that one can flip though and get a sense of the major themes and plot points using pictures as the foundation as well as (hopefully) generate discussion and give everyone something new to look at. With permission, posts may be incorporated into our community project: The Viewer’s Guide.

Using a screencap or two as ammunition, discuss how you think the visual material reinforces character development/motivation and/or the plot for a single episode. Feel free to take the character angle or the plot angle or both.  Which specific components discussed are up to you. How long or short your entry is also at your discretion (but if you want to go full-on “meta and multi-screencap” we definitely won’t complain). Because everyone will likely have different opinions and pick different caps, the possibilities are unlimited. Therefore, there’s no limit to how many people can contribute. There’s no need to claim a prompt; post as you would a regular meta, but please place the italicized title near the top of this post in the subject line of your meta.  The prompts will be open for a month after the episode airs in the US (until Nov. 4th for 3x01).

Go forth and enjoy the pretty pictures and think thinky thoughts. We look forward to hearing what you have to say.

1280x720 screencaps for 3x01 by 
marishna can be found here.
1280x720 screencaps for 3x01 by 
oxoniensis can be found here.

mod post, episode prompt, 3x01

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