#106 - out of honcs

Jul 10, 2013 20:40

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Comments 5058

Fanworks recently consumed anonymous August 23 2013, 00:30:53 UTC


Re: Fanworks recently consumed anonymous August 23 2013, 00:31:53 UTC
I think this one is my favorite of these so far: http://parksandspn.tumblr.com/post/59049141135


Re: Fanworks recently consumed anonymous August 23 2013, 00:42:05 UTC
Ohh that is best.


Re: Fanworks recently consumed anonymous August 23 2013, 01:49:41 UTC
This was just posted in another thread:



Meme, I am ambivalent. On the one hand it is, as you would expect, absolutely beautiful, with delicate details and luminous colour.

On the other, it's dead semi-naked ladies arranged in a distinctly erotic manner, and I feel like I have had my fill of sexed up dead chicks. I don't even care if it's an homage to something classical or whatever (I don't know if it is, but that's the kind of reference I'd miss), I'm just... left feeling a little icky, in a "did you have to with the boobs and the splayed thighs?" kind of way, rather than a "clearly Sam is evil here, well portrayed" kind of way.


Spoiler and Speculation thread! anonymous August 23 2013, 05:23:03 UTC
Just saw the stunt double tweet this actress and now I'm wondering who she is going to be.


@kaniehtiio has been great fun butting heads with you on #supernatural. No wonder you dominate on the Derby Track.

"Butting heads" with the stunt double makes me think antagonist, so angel or demon maybe? I hope she's not the new Abaddon, because I'm still holding out for Alaina Huffman's return.


Re: Spoiler and Speculation thread! anonymous August 23 2013, 05:27:46 UTC
If they are currently shooting 9.4, maybe she's Dorothy?


Re: Spoiler and Speculation thread! anonymous August 23 2013, 05:45:40 UTC
Looks like we're getting more Garth:


@jarpad I'm in your town. Won't get to see you this trip, but just heard I'll be spending some time with you this fall. Stoked.


Re: Spoiler and Speculation thread! anonymous August 23 2013, 21:35:22 UTC
Another pic from the photoshoot:


Arm!porn! And they all look like dorks, but Dean most of all <3 <3 <3


IDGT anonymous August 23 2013, 17:47:48 UTC
This post has over 15000 notes...Why are destiel fandom so obsessed with having their pairing become canon? It is an inferiority thing?




can we take a moment to think of the fandom when dean and cas get together

like, the night after it happens

all the shippers just sitting in their rooms in a shocked silence

reblogging gifset after gifset of them kissing

until their blog contains literally nothing else

and then going outside to dramatically kneel in the street

and all around the world, you can hear the synchronized victory cry

of shippers who’s otp just became canon

I live for this day to come


Re: IDGT anonymous August 23 2013, 17:55:19 UTC
Dude, if you didn't get the answer to this burning question the last six or seven times you have posted this thread with minor variants, do you really think you're going to get it now?

Anyway, the answer is obviously the coming metaphysical birth of the messianic destiel non!ass!baby from Sam's body. Get with the program.


Re: IDGT anonymous August 23 2013, 17:57:27 UTC
Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis aetas;
magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo. 5
iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna,
iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto.
tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum
desinet ac toto surget gens aurea mundo,
casta fave Lucina; tuus iam regnat Apollo.


Re: IDGT anonymous August 23 2013, 18:21:58 UTC
the coming metaphysical birth of the messianic destiel non!ass!baby from Sam's body.

My tumblr (if I had things like that) would be full of the gifset of the metaphysical graphic ass-birth. I freaking cannot wait!


Kinkmeme thread anonymous August 24 2013, 09:06:14 UTC
You know, the usual. Likes/dislikes/alpacas.

...damn, Captcha. necrotizing. Way to take to the thread with gusto.


Re: Kinkmeme thread anonymous August 24 2013, 09:16:21 UTC
Anyway. I forgot to track this month, is there anything neat going on? I had a look through pinboard and the monthly newsletters, and my overwhelming impression of the last 2-3 months worth of fills is that the new kink on the rise is extra-extreme underage.

S'funny how kinks seem to go in groups, though I suppose it makes sense for one to inspire another.


Re: Kinkmeme thread anonymous August 24 2013, 09:18:00 UTC
There was a dub-con lactation fill with girl!Dean and Ellen that I really liked, and it pinged a kink I didn't even know I had until that moment, and a couple more prompts like it popped up on the meme (only one of which is mine).


Re: Kinkmeme thread anonymous August 24 2013, 09:30:07 UTC
Ahh, is that one by sloeginfizzle? I think I saw that. Dubcon lactation stuff gets a thumbs up for sure. I have their journal tracked hoping for more of the Farm... which has, for me, gone from kinda interesting world with hot medical kink to not really caring about the J2 but wondering how wee Misha's story will go.

And, okay, I still care about the medical kink. :)


Keep on trucking anonymous August 24 2013, 16:04:48 UTC
Is there something that inspires you when you're working on a fandom project, or the counter, something you find particularly demotivational? If you're sinking but have to meet a deadline, do you just go one step after another, or do you have a way you perk yourself up again so it stops seeming like work?


Re: Keep on trucking anonymous August 24 2013, 16:07:51 UTC
Dear author who is not on meme - it is a demotivator when I send you art and you still haven't replied after two days, even though that's a perfectly reasonable period to be busy etc. Tell me I'm pretty, dammit.

This brought to you by 4am. For other reasons, but still, ugh, 4am, though actually I woke up at 3 and gave up on sleeping and read something cute in another fandom and then checked my fandom email and sighed.

I intend to motivate myself with the attractive faces of the people I'm drawing and think about it as a project for me.


Re: Keep on trucking anonymous August 24 2013, 19:14:50 UTC
Aw, I am sorry, nonnie. If it's any comfort, I frequently find art from my artist very inspirational! It helps sometimes to have a visual outside my own head to think about and aim for and respond to in my writing/editing process. And I've no doubt you're very, very pretty.


Re: Keep on trucking anonymous August 24 2013, 19:22:04 UTC
But what if the artists needs motivation or inspiration :(


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