
Feb 25, 2012 23:32

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Things that make you happy anonymous February 27 2012, 00:26:41 UTC
I just wrote the first 3.5K of my BB. Late start, I know, but I've been stalled on this fucker for months now and have had writer's block for more than six months. Getting anything out, even if I don't finish the story in time for the deadline, is a major accomplishment that I'm proud of.


Re: Things that make you happy anonymous February 27 2012, 00:33:41 UTC
Congratulations, nonnie! \o/

I have also written 3k today on a fic that I've been stalled on for months. However, it is not my BB. I have yet to start that! \o/


Re: Things that make you happy anonymous February 27 2012, 00:39:23 UTC
Those little dimples above a person's butt.


Re: Things that make you happy anonymous February 27 2012, 00:40:43 UTC
Go you, nonnie! :D

I recently broke through a writer's block myself, with a bunch of short fic for a pairing I hadn't written much before. I haven't taken a look at the BB I abandoned a couple of years ago due to block; I'm afraid I'll ruin the magic. Maybe I'll undertake some other, new longfic, which is my usual thing.


Brady anonymous February 27 2012, 01:30:22 UTC
So....what do we know about Brady? Who ships him and Sam for realsies or for fakes?


Re: Brady anonymous February 27 2012, 01:33:37 UTC
It's totally in my head canon that demon!Brady came onto Sam repeatedly while "drunk" but Sam turned him down each time because he didn't want to take advantage. Demon!Brady never thought about trying when Sam thought he was sober; if he had, Sam would have been more than willing - at least right up until when he met Jess.


Re: Brady anonymous February 27 2012, 01:38:58 UTC
I'm struggling to think of a character I give less of a shit about than Brady. I think Ben might win that one. Maybe if he was performed by an actor that could actually act and was even remotely hot.


Re: Brady anonymous February 27 2012, 01:52:37 UTC
I was always so intrigued by how Ben was so, like, anemic of complexion. Poor kid.

I also like that 'ben' means son in arabic, right? So I thought that was the clue that he was Dean's kid.


BUT WHY DO YOU TRUST HIM? anonymous February 27 2012, 03:25:29 UTC
In my fic that I'm writing, I mean. I've got a newly resurrected S4 Dean who is insisting on trusting Castiel a lot earlier than seems to be strictly in character to me.

Have you ever had this situation when you were writing, when you knew a different response would be more more in character but whatever you were writing just refused to cooperate? If so, how did you deal with it and get things back on track?


Re: BUT WHY DO YOU TRUST HIM? anonymous February 27 2012, 03:30:32 UTC
Yep. I usually handle this by writing the inappropriate gun-jumping sequences the way they want to be written, then going back and adding some sequences before them to bridge the characterization gap, then retooling the original stuff as necessary to work with the added material.


Re: BUT WHY DO YOU TRUST HIM? anonymous February 27 2012, 03:45:26 UTC

That's what I'm likely to do here as well. I mean, it fits the plot points of my story to have Dean learn to trust Castiel fairly quickly as Cas is basically his only ally while he searches for a temporarily missing Sam. (Lest anyone accuse me of having Sam be off skydiving, it's actually a Sam/Dean story.)

Retooling it later seems to be the best option. I'd rather do that than stop and interrupt the flow of writing now.


Genderbend SPN: girl!Dean recs? anonymous February 27 2012, 05:41:08 UTC
Meme, I just watched a movie with Amber Heard and am having major genderbend Dean feels -- prolly thanks to pictures like this:
... )


Re: Genderbend SPN: girl!Dean recs? anonymous February 27 2012, 05:51:42 UTC
I have a whole inexplicable chart in my head!

Girl!Castiel: :(
Girl!Dean: :)
Girl!Sam: :D
Girl!Sam, girl!Dean: :D!

I do not know why this is the case. I don't really like het in general, but I thoroughly enjoy my pairings as femslash; I sometimes enjoy het with male Castiel, because I don't really read him as gendered unless an author goes out of their way to make me do so.


Re: Genderbend SPN: girl!Dean recs? anonymous February 27 2012, 05:55:18 UTC
Always-a-girl!Sam is my favouritest. Magic genderswap is good for hilarity but doesn't do much for me in terms of porn.

I think girl!anyone in art is totally hot and awesome.


Re: Genderbend SPN: girl!Dean recs? anonymous February 27 2012, 05:56:12 UTC
Oooh, genderbent Dean! I love genderbent Dean!

But only genderbent Dean. Deanna intrigues me but I don't care for girl!Cas or Samantha. This is probably because I'm the anon who loves the older sister/younger brother dynamic but dislikes older brother/younger sister (especially in my porn) and I see Castiel as genderless anyway so popping him into a female form doesn't change the character at all for me.

I love both always a girl and spell induced. They both have their benefits. What I'd love to see but haven't ever come across would be Dean being genderswapped into a girl while he's still a teenager. This idea intrigues me muchly.

Het for the most part, though Bela/Deanna is of much interest even though I have no concern at all for Bela/Dean. Esp. with Bela being v. v. toppy. For the longest time, I only liked Dean/Cas with Deanna - I didn't care for regular Dean, even though I shipped Sam/Dean and have plenty of slashy pairings I love Dean in. I blame that one pru fic that hasn't been updated in like two years for that


TNT Rewatch: Bedtime Stories/Red Sky At Morning anonymous February 27 2012, 15:01:09 UTC

Bedtime Stories
A young girl trapped in a coma by her wicked stepmother sets off a series of murders based on the fairy tales her father reads her. Meanwhile, Sam tries to get Dean out of his deal.

Red Sky At Morning
Bela gets in the way yet again as Sam and Dean are investigating multiple victims who drowned even though they were nowhere near water. Sam and Dean make the creepy discovery that the victims all saw a ghost ship right before dying. They tell Bela to stay away, but she's not so willing to leave, as someone's paying her a lot to solve the same case Sam and Dean are investigating.


Re: TNT Rewatch: Bedtime Stories/Red Sky At Morning anonymous February 27 2012, 15:05:28 UTC
Haha, thanks for trying to cover for me! I just didn't realize it had gotten to be ten already.


Re: TNT Rewatch: Bedtime Stories/Red Sky At Morning anonymous February 27 2012, 15:08:47 UTC
I want to express my dislike of Bela while emphasize that I do not hate ALL female characters on SPN. In fact Bela is the only female character on the show I strongly dislike.


Re: TNT Rewatch: Bedtime Stories/Red Sky At Morning anonymous February 27 2012, 15:50:33 UTC

She was just too smug for me, and not even in a funny way


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