Fanworks Discussion #1 (previously Fic Discussion #4)

Feb 17, 2012 05:18

[originally posted Feb 17 2012]
Post your threads for challenge pieces (fic, art, etc) here. Big bangs, exchanges, themed challenges are all welcome.

Format like so:

SUBJECT: Title [Main Pairings, Rating] by CREATOR ( Read more... )

fic discussion, fanworks discussion

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GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD anonymous June 9 2012, 23:46:27 UTC
This thread is for conversations that arise on the fic discussion post but do not relate to a specific fic. Please move discussions here if they become so general or off topic that they would be distracting to those looking for information and reviews on the individual fics.

There will be one such thread on each FD post, linked at the top.


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