When fans hit the shit...with a hammer...and scare it

Nov 06, 2015 23:27

Apparently public shaming, threats and warning is all that it takes to make scammers run scared (I'm not holding my breath, that "company" has so many complaints against them that the argument of "somebody uploaded it, the company is innocent" will only make anybody who uses it look like an idiot).

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Comments 5

anonymous November 6 2015, 23:16:19 UTC
don't bite my head off, but it kinda was a matter of time. if we're scammed by the original why not trying to copy the idea ( ... )


ladygreytowers November 7 2015, 00:27:49 UTC
I am not making any comment on your statement other than this. If you are going to start stirring a hornets nest. Have the courage to put YOUR name on the stirring stick! Do not hide behind anonymous. Take responsibility for how you feel and what you say. Leave the Anonymous for posting art and vids and fic that are made by you that you w ould not wish to reveal are part of your life.

Comments like this one you made....YOU NEED TO OWN IT.

I have owned my reply to you. So if I have offended, you now have the right to bitch back or defriend or block me as you see it. Thank you for your atte ntion.

P.S. I am not blind to things either but there are better places to do this if you want to stay anon. Like in your own Journal maybe.


amberdreams November 7 2015, 08:57:08 UTC
"if we're scammed by the original why not trying to copy the idea?" There is so much wrong with this sentence, where do I even start?
Firstly, the Respect campaigns are not scams, so saying you are not a hater, posting anonymously and then accusing Jared of scamming us? Sounds like hate to me.
Second, why not copy? Because by copying and passing off the product as if it was the real thing is stealing, that's why. Those responsible for this passing off are the ones who are scamming fans. Oh, and it's stealing because it's also taking money from the charities who are going to benefit from the money raised from the sales of the genuine articles.

So yeah, I take issue with your comment on many levels; not least being, as ladygreytowers has already pointed out, that is is difficult to respect the words of someone unwilling to own their opinion.


ladygreytowers November 7 2015, 00:30:10 UTC
Great Job!!!! These people need to know that the SPN Family has not and will never tolerate any Kind of BOOTLEGGING. (for lack of a better all inclusive word.) Scamming for personal profit is soooooo wrong. Especially when SPN Family is about just helping each other and making the world a better place, even if it is one little bit at a time.

Also righteousness for the wonderful authors, artists, viders, and crafters in the family when they have been ripped off, or taken advantage of.

We do pay attention and we do tell each other and monitor so that all we have to do is let the right people know what is happeneing and get things fixed.



angels_trap November 7 2015, 07:26:08 UTC
Thank you :D

The anon missed the point of EVERYTHING, from the campaigns, through how economy and pricing works, to the purpose of this comm and my journal.

If I had to guess I would say we just found the person responsible for this crap...and I'm going to throw them under the bus.


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