growing pains

Apr 28, 2016 08:49

When this community originally was opened, it was before the creation of tags, before the widespread use of twitter and other social media platforms, etc. It served a true purpose. But over time, that purpose has lessened and changed ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

quickreaver April 28 2016, 15:31:10 UTC
Thank you for all your hard work, W! I hope someone steps up; I love collections. (If I weren't already running events, I'd take it.)

And is it awful that I was really looking forward to "growing pains" themed recs? Not the show, but the actual dealio... ;)


wendy April 30 2016, 16:05:45 UTC
Hahaha, wouldn't that make a great theme? :)


etrix April 28 2016, 19:51:50 UTC
It'll be a big change not seeing your name up there, but you've been running the comm for a loong time. Thanks for all your hard work.


wendy April 30 2016, 16:06:26 UTC
Thank you so much!


enablelove May 2 2016, 01:57:44 UTC
Good job, W. Hope you find someone!


wendy May 2 2016, 14:24:41 UTC
Me too...thanks! :)


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