Star Wars in truck stop America

Jan 22, 2016 22:29

Kripke pitched Supernatural as "Star Wars in truck stop America", so its no wonder the two are a perfect fit! I haven't found any Force Awakens fic, so please tell me if you do! Or any other Star Wars/Supernatural fics you love.

ETA: I was bemoaning the dearth of Poe/Dean fics on Twitter, and the wodnerful tiptoe39 delivered :this wonderful fic!

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star wars, crossovers

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Comments 2

epeeblade January 22 2016, 11:41:55 UTC
Hey! Thank you for listing me! I do want to clarify that while the main JediSam fic is gen, the sequel is Wincest and some people might want to avoid that.


missyjack January 22 2016, 11:47:26 UTC
Thank you! Great to visit some old favourites. I've added in the Wincest pairing.


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